American Revolution History Quiz


Quiz on American Revolution History Quiz , created by 009464 on 21/02/2015.
Quiz by 009464, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 009464 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Name 2 Types of Revolution.
  • Political and Economic
  • Political and Non-political

Question 2

When was the US Declaration of Independence signed?
  • During the War of Independence (1775 - 1783)
  • After the War of Independence (1783 - )

Question 3

Explain the Mercantilist System.
  • The mercantilist system was an economic system that aimed to increase a nations wealth by exporting more than it imports.
  • A system implicated by the American Colonists, in order to decrease the tax on tea.

Question 4

What was the 7 Year War?
  • A war between Britain and France (also involving the north America and the 13 colonies). The British were fighting in Europe, but the war was spreading to North America, where Britain wanted to take over French Land. (Britain won)
  • Heavy taxes were placed on glass, lead painters colours, paper and tea imported by the colonies and provided that the proceeds were to be used to pay the salaries of royal officials in the colonies including governors and judges (making royal officials independent of the colonial legislatures that had until that time provided their salaries). This caused a war between Britain and the Colonists that lasted 7 years.

Question 5

What were the General causes of the American Revolution?
  • 1. Stamp Act 2. Townshend Act 3. The Boston Massacre 4. The Boston Tea Party 5. Quebec Acts
  • 1. Growing Trade Imbalance 2. Restrictions on Moving West 3. New Taxation 4. New Sense of American Identity 5. The Enlightenment Thinkers

Question 6

What Event is this picture depicting?
  • The Boston Tea Party
  • The Boston Masssacre

Question 7

How did the Colonists react to the Stamp Act and Townshend Act?
  • They created the Quebec Act.
  • Rioting/Protests, boycotting, 'No taxation without representation', attacking custom officials, resistance.

Question 8

Who was John Locke?
  • An Enlightenment Thinker who believed in being able to overthrow a government if needed and that people should be happy in this life and the next.
  • The first man killed in the Boston Massacre.

Question 9

What was one pro of the Political system in the 13 colonies?
  • The colonists gained experience in governance and democracy.
  • The organised structure of the political system (King, Governor and Assembly) allowed the whole colony to participate in the governance of the colony.

Question 10

Name three of the most well-known things to come out of the Revolution
  • 1. A 'sure market' for the colonies exports 2. A great political relationship between America and Britain 3. US Declaration of Independence
  • 1. The American Flag. (The National Anthem) 50 starts = 50 states, 13 stripes = original 13 colonies - Used since 1960 when Hawaii joined the union. 2. The US Declaration of Independence. 3. Revolution Songs

Question 11

What were the navigation acts?
  • A series of laws that restricted the use of foreign ships for trade between Britain and the American colonies.
  • A law where the colonists were prohibited to migrate from or leave their colonies.

Question 12

What were the laws enacted by the Mercantilist system?
  • The colonists were not allowed to trade internally. The colonists were not allowed to make own resources. Only English or English colonial ships could carry cargo between imperial ports. Colonists could only buy from Britain
  • Stamp Act Townshend Act Quebec Acts Intolerable Acts

Question 13

What was the Quebec Acts?
  • The British created a new constitution for Canada.
  • The act that demanded that the american colonists paid for the destroyed tea

Question 14

How did the American Revolution end?
  • With the signing of the Peace of Paris (Treaty of Paris) . The colonists were victorious.
  • The signing of the treat of Versailles.

Question 15

How did the American Revolution influence the French?
  • The French intellectuals were impressed by the freedom that the colonists had obtained from the war. As it showed that some of the ideas that the Enlightenment Thinkers could work in practice.
  • USA grew rapidly in size and wealth and provided financial aid to France, which helped the French Revolution to evolve.

Question 16

What were the intolerable acts?
  • A series of acts that were intended to punish the colonists after the Boston Tea Party.
  • The allowance of the British East India Tea Company to export tea to the American colonies without paying the custom duties.

Question 17

What was the Townshend Acts?
  • It placed heavy duties on glass, lead painters colours, paper and tea imported by the colonies and provided that the proceeds were to be used to pay the salaries of royal officials in the colonies including governors and judges
  • British soldiers who were protecting officials were attacked by an angry crowd.

Question 18

What was the Stamp Act?
  • Required all legal documents, permits, commercial contracts, newspapers, wills, pamphlets and playing cards in the colonies carry a tax stamp.
  • A royal proclamation reserved land to the west of the colonies for the Indians and banned the colonists from settling in the area without the permission of the British Government.

Question 19

What is feudalism?
  • a radical change of circumstances or of a system: a sudden and violent change of government or in the political constitution of a country, mainly brought about by internal causes.
  • the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labour, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.

Question 20

What is a Revolution?
  • A revolution is a radical change of circumstances or of a system: a sudden and violent change of government or in the political constitution of a country, mainly brought about by internal causes.
  • The leader of a colony.
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