Created by conor.donor
over 11 years ago
The Atom
All the element are made of atoms which themselves are made up of these types of subatomc particles
Protron : + charge Nuetron : nuetral Electron : - charge
the proton and the nuetron exist in the middle of the atom in an area called the nucleus. the electron exists in the energy levels around the atom. The atom is hydrogen it has only one protron and one electron. Helium is the next simplest, it has two protrons and two electrons.
Atomic Mass (number of protons + number of nuetrons)
Atomic Number (number of protons)
for a nuetral atom the number of electrons is the same as the number of protrons. if there are too many or too few electrons then it becomes an ion the elctrons exsits in the energy levels were te first level can only hold 2 electrons, 2nd level can only hold 8 electrons, the 3rd level can 10 electrons
many chemical reactionas can be classed as oxidation reactions,
Gains Oxegen Loses hydrogen Gains electrons
Burring is a form of oxidation, when fuel burns is combines with oxygen and generates heat. Reactions that generate heat are called exothermic reactions
eg. burning magnesium
Magnesium burns in air with a very bright white flame
Magnesium + oxygen -> magnesium oxide
When things burn the requie 3 thing Heat Oxygen Fuel
this is the fire triangle
to but out a fire you need to remove one of these things, eg. a fire blanket removes oxygen If an oxidising agent is use in a fire it has its own supply of oxygen and is there fore difficult to put out eg.fireworks
the most Common use of combustion by humans is the combustion of hydrocarbons
rusting is a special type of oxidation reaction specific to iron or steel Iron + orxygen + water -> hydrated iron oxideRust can be prevented by using a barrier of paint, plastic or oil. another method is to use small about of reactive metal (like zinc) this is call sacrificial protection
Reactive metels like copper dont exist on earth in there metalic state. they exist as compound called ores. these metal can be extracted in a procese called smelting eg- copper + carbon oxide heat copper + carbon dioxidethis is a reduction reaction (opposite of oxidation)
iron can be smelted from iron ore in a simular way to copper. however this requires much more heat. air is blasted through a furnace: a blast furnace
iron oxide + carbon -> iron + carbon dioxideCarbon + oxegen -> carbon dioxideCarbon dioxide + carbon -> carbon dioxide
the atom
Copper, iron
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