Cell Structure


A-Levels Biology f211 Note on Cell Structure, created by Gemma Bradford on 02/05/2013.
Gemma Bradford
Note by Gemma Bradford, updated more than 1 year ago
Gemma Bradford
Created by Gemma Bradford over 11 years ago

Resource summary

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Page 11 Application1a) mitochrondriab) golgi apparatusc) chloroplastd) cilia2a) nucleolusb) cell wallc) image B as it has a cell wall and vacuole

Page 12 Practice1) a- cell wall b- cytoplasm c- mitochondria d- nucleus e- chloroplast f- vacuole g- plasma membrane h- ribosome2)vacuole, cell wall and chloroplast3) make DNA4) digest invading cells5) RER contains ribosomes attached6) synthesise and process lipids7) golgi apparatus8) centrioles

Page 14 Application1) flattened sacs, spread out2) proteins may not get packaged to be transported around cell3) cells shape may be altered as a result and organells/materials may not get transported around the cell

Page 14 Fact recall1) ribosomes re the site where proteins are made, RER folds and processes proteins that have been made on ribosomes2) movement of organelles in cell, strength and stability of cell maintaining shape, keep organelles in position

Page 15 Fact recall1) P - DNA is circilar, small cells of 0.2 micrometres, no membrane bound organelles E - linear DNA, larger cells 2-200 micrometres, many membrane bound organelles2) contain robosomes

Page 19 Application1) a - lightb - temc - lightd - SEMe - TEMf - SEM2) TEM as you can see the internal structure of organelles and black and white micrographs can be produced

Page 20 Fact recall1) length of image/length of specimen2) magnification is how many times bigger an image is than the actual specimen and resolution is how well two close together objects can be distinguished3) by using electromagnets to focus a beam of light through the specimen to produce an image4) by focusing a beam of electrons through the specimen to produce a micrograph5a) x 1500b) more than x100000c) less than x1000006) TEM7) TEM8) as when light passes through the object, sometimes the object is completely transparent so the light passes straight through

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