CH.1 Introduction to the Unit


Some terminology, basic introduction
Note by gina.carlucci, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gina.carlucci about 11 years ago

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Fundamentals of Forensic Science


The term "forensic science", describes the science of associating things, people and places involved in criminal activity. These disciplines assist in the investigation and adjudication of both criminal and civil cases. "Forensic science" is the term for the profession of scientists whose work answers questions for the courts through reports and testimony. "Criminalists" are another label for forensic scientists. Criminalistics is a branch of forensic science and involves the collection and analysis of physical evidence by criminal activity. Physical evidence can include: drugs, firearms, tool-marks, fingerprints, blood and bodily-fluids, footwear and trace evidence. Trace evidence can mean different things to other people. "                    " may include: fire and explosive residues, glass, soils, hairs, fibres, paints, plastics and other polymers, wood, metals and chemicals. Forensic anthropology (branch of physical anthropology) is the study of humans and their ancestors. This deals with identifying people who cannot be identified through soft tissue features (e.g. fingerprints or photographs). Scientists in this field must analyse skeletal remains to determine characteristics of the deceased, in turn, to reveal identification. Characteristics include: if human, height, age, sex, and other details like socioeconomic status. Forensic Odontology/dentistry is the involves the identification of human remains in mass disasters (enamel = hardest material produced by body and intact teeth often found), post-mortem x-rays of teeth, comparison of bite marks. Forensic Engineering involves the investigation and testing of materials, products or structures that don't focus as they were build or designed to. In short, they "fail" to meet standards. These failures cause personal injury or damage to property, which results in civil cases although some forensic engineering may apply to criminal cases. E.g. transporting accidents or airplane disasters. The goal of these scientists is to locate counsels of failure (to improve performance)  or safety of a product or determine liability in a legal case. Toxicology = is the chemical analysis of body fluids and tissues to determine if a drug or poison is present.

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