Created by 10perrya4721
about 11 years ago
There are different attitudes to abortion in Hinduism.
some Hindus believe that abortion can never be allowed whatever the circumstances. They believe this because: some Gurus have said at all abortion is wrong. They believe in the sanctity of life and that taking a life gives bad karma.
some Hindus believe that abortion is only permissible if the mother's life is at risk. hey have this attitude because: Hindu teachings on ahimsa state that violence should only be used as a last resort, which would be when the mother would die if an abortion was not carried out. the sanctity of life means that abortion is wrong unless the foetus threatens the sanctity of the mother's life.
some British Hindus believe that Hindus can have abortions in accordance with the UK law on abortion. They have this attitude because: The teachings of the Gita on not being able harm the soul are taken to mean that abortion will not affect Karma. They believe that life does not begin until the foetus can survive outside the womb.
Christian attitudes to abortion - Christians have two different attitudes to abortion:
the Catholic Church and Evangelical protestant Churches teach that all abortion is wrong whatever the circumstances because:
Life is holy and belongs to God, therefor only God has the right to end pregnancy. Life begins at conception. human life begins wen an ovum is fertilised and, as there is no break from conception to birth, abortion is therefor taking life. the ten commandmens teach that it is wrong to take life, therefor abortion is wrong.
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