Rural Life and Society


Important notes for class 8
jas mine
Note by jas mine, updated more than 1 year ago
jas mine
Created by jas mine about 8 years ago

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Lesson 4 Rural Life and Society (History)

These notes contain : about the new land revenue settlements introduced by the British how commercialization of agriculture impoverished the Indian peasantry about peasant rebellions in different parts of India

Effect on rural lifeBefore arrival of Europeans rural life was simple.The village panchayat settled disputes within the villages.The peasants cultivated and paid part of the produce to the king as revenue.They enjoyed rights over their land and could not be evicted.the revenue collector was village headman or intermediary.The company changed policies and appointed revenue collectors, police and judicial officers.The village panchayats also lost their position. Now revenue was collected as fixed amount.Peasants had to pay revenue in cash. They were forced to grow cash crops.

New land revenue systemBritish introduced three different types of land revenue systems in different parts of India. Zamindari system or Permanent Settlement of Bengal Ryotwari system Mahalwari system

Permanent SettlementZamindari System was introduced by Cornwallis in 1793 through Permanent Settlement Act.The main provisions of this settlement are: Zamindars were recognized as owner of the lands.. Zamindars were given the rights to collect the rent from the peasants. Zamindars had to pay 89% of the revenue collected to the government. Zamindars were permitted to keep 11% of collection. The land revenue was fixed for 10 years . They were given hereditary right of zamindari. Consequences of the permanent settlement:It created a new class of landlords in the form of zamindars , who became allies of the British.

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