Ways of Saying "Strange"


Javier Quintanilla
Note by Javier Quintanilla, updated more than 1 year ago
Javier Quintanilla
Created by Javier Quintanilla almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

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​​​​​​strangeNot previously known, seen, felt; not familiar Never accept gifts from strange men. oddUnusual, peculiar She always wears odd clothes. bizarreStrange in appearance This situation looks bizarre to me. funnyDifficult to explain or understand; slightly insane The car engine is making a funny noise. A funny little man was walking down the street. queerStrange in an unpleasant way This fish has a queer taste. weirdUnnatural, unconventional He has a weird hairstyle. eerieCausing a feeling of mystery and fear because it's strange I heard an eerie scream coming from the house. It's eerie to walk through a dark forest at night. freakVery unusual event or action It never rains like this here, it's a freak storm. The region has been having a freak weather lately. quaintAttractively odd or old-fashioned That lady has quaint old customs. peculiarOdd, in a troubling or displeasing way I can distinguish that peculiar taste. whimsicalFull of odd or playful behaviour He's got a whimsical sense of humour. fishy(in slang) Strange, peculiar This is a fishy business; I don't like it at all! uncannyMysterious, not natural or usual It was uncanny to hear his voice from such a distant place. fantasticVery strange The painter drew fantastic shapes here. curiousStrange and interesting What a curious thing to say!

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