Requestor (any TIBCO location) - created from Mind Map


tc procurement
Freda Fung
Note by Freda Fung, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Freda Fung
Created by Freda Fung almost 9 years ago
Freda Fung
Copied to Note by Freda Fung almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

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Oracle PR Request

Non-Oracle PR Request in Revitasstage 1 short SS questions basic stuff to trigger the SDD for new suppliers Purchasing gets the auto notification email

Requestor receives SDD questionnaire

SDDAmit to check with Revitas and Oracle team how to connect SDD and Oracle and Revitas SDD form to inculde infor for GCAs & DD info Purchasing & Requestor get confirmation once the DD is cleared

Catelogue Item Purchase

Non-catelogue item Purchase

Catelogue Item Purchase(Standard = PO) request a PO exception list fr IPH


US based Entity & Independent Contractor


Non-catelogue Item PurchaseNon-catagorized items

Requestor receives SDD questionnairereceives link in a email

Manager + Finance Approval

Standard POwhat kind of documents? PO+terms? We need to capture the document into Revitas - Amit to check & liaise

Capture in Revitas DatabaseStandard PO PO Signed GCA / Short GCA Signed 3rd party contract

Manager + Finance Approval

Legal Reviewamit  check with Revitas team on information transfer from Oracle

Document negotiationCommercial review and Legal Review are combined in one document for vendor's / requester's further process 


Receive the contract from supplier

Buyer places the PO

AP Team will set up Supplier & Confirm back to buyer

Fully Signed agreement will be sent to supplier, then supplier will raise invoice which will be shared with AP together with the agreement. 

P/W protected?

no P/W protected

upload as a attachmentversion tracking: name properlly according to the versions

upload to doc session

Finalise the doc

TIBCO standard (GCA / Short GCA)

Supplier paper

Sign by Vendor

Stamp by Commercial

Stamp by Legalechosign

Stamp by Comercial

Stamp by Legalechosign


Vendor signatureechosign

Revitas Self Service

Commercial review

Legal Review

We need to find a way to combine commercial and legal review in to one doc comments and send to requester for further handling

Document negotiation


Signed Agreementhow PO is generated outside of Oracle??

Manager + Finance Approval (by email)can we include this?

Signed Agreement

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