Describe the territorial Impact of the treaty of Versaille on Germany


History-Germany (1. The Treaty of Versaille) Note on Describe the territorial Impact of the treaty of Versaille on Germany, created by Emily Tisch on 13/10/2013.
Emily Tisch
Note by Emily Tisch, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily Tisch
Created by Emily Tisch about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Describe the Territorial Impact of The Treaty of Versaille on Gemany 

Key FeatureSome of Germany's land was given to Allied nations.Linking SentenceLarge Pieces of Germany's territory was given to the state of Poland.Linking SentenceHowever, some land was retained by Germany

Alsace-Lorraine returned to franceEurpen-Malmedy given to BelgiumGermany was forced to give land to the allied nations and also Poland, a country formed from the land Germany had taken from theAustrian-Hungarian empire.Posen and West Prussia given to PolandEastern Upper Silensia given to Poland after Plebiscite.Despite being forced to give away most of their land, Germany were allowed some land, however some of these cities came under the rule of the Allied Nations.Danzig- stayed part of Germany but became a 'free city' and was under the rule of the Allied Nations.Memel also.


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