Weaknesses of the Weimar Government


History-Germany (2. The Weimar Government) Mind Map on Weaknesses of the Weimar Government, created by Emily Tisch on 13/10/2013.
Emily Tisch
Mind Map by Emily Tisch, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily Tisch
Created by Emily Tisch over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Weaknesses of the Weimar Government
  1. Proportional Representation
    1. This resulted in dozens of parties, with no part strong enough to get a majority and therefore no laws were being passed.
    2. Article 48
      1. Created a back door for a power-hungry person to take power legally and run Germany independently for as long ss they wanted I fhty ewere elected first.
        1. Meant the Government could become a dictatorship.
        2. Presidential Power
          1. Supreme Commander of the Army and could control Germany under article 48
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