Science Notes


7 Science Note on Science Notes, created by Milly8 on 13/10/2013.
Note by Milly8, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Milly8 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

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MatterWhat is Matter?The amount of matter in an object is the mass of an objectMass is measured in grams of kilogramsThe amount of space matter takes up is called volumeMatter can exist in different states or phrasesMost scientists use the particle model of matter to study matter

Changing states of matterWhen an object is hot, its particles vibrate more. They have more kinetic energyTemperature is a measure of how much the particles are vibrating. It is a measure of how much kinetic energy the particles have.Heat is the transfer of energy from a higher temperature object to a lower temperature objectWhen a substance changes its state, energy is added or removedA physical change involves a change in the physical properties of a substance (e.g volume or size)It doesn't change what the substance is made of. A chemical change occurs when the composition of a substance changes (e.g different types of substances (particles) are created)Gases take the shape of their container because their particles are not held together at all.Liquids can be poured because their particles are held together less stronglySolids cannot be poured because their particles are held together stronglyMass: How much matter there is in one objectVolume: A measure of the amount of space something takes upWhen an object is submerged in the water it pushes water out of the wayIf you measure how much the amount of water level increases, you can find the volume of the water pushed out of the wayDensity Relates to mass and volume Density = Mass over VolumeThe units of density are kg/m3 or g/cm3 or g/ml3Pressure is caused by a force acting on surface. When a particle collides with a surface, it exerts a force on that surface.

Mixture - made up of two pure substances. Contains several different types of particlesPure Substance - Made up of the same type of particlesSolutions - the most common type of mixture. They are formed when one substance (known as the solute) dissolves in another (known as the solvent). An example of a solution is sugar (the solute) dissolved and spread throughout water (the solvent).Suspension - An insoluble substance mixed with a liquid is called a suspensionInsoluble - Insoluble is a substance that will not dissolve in liquid. When an insoluble substance is suspended in a liquid, it is called a suspension. Factors Affecting SolubilityAs you increase the temperature of the solvent, the solute will dissolve quicker.As the surface area increases, the solubility increasesConcentrationThe concentration of a solution depends on how much solution depends on how much solute is dissolved in a set amount of solventDilute - a solution that has a small amount of dissolved soluteConcentrated - a solution has a large quality of dissolved solute

MovementRespirationSensitivityGrowthReproductionExcretionNutritionUnicellular - one cellMulticelluler - many cellsIdentify the three things every living thing needs - Food, water, oxygenClassification - to help scientist discuss and keep things in order5 groups of livingMoneraAnimaliaPlantaeFungiBacteriaVetebrates have an internal skeleton or backbone, Invertebrates don't5 classes of VertebratesMammals - give birth to live animals and have furReptiles - have scaly skin and they lay eggsAmphibians - live the first part of their life in waterFish - live underwater and have gillsBirds - have wings3 sub classes of MammalsPlacental - give birth to completely formed live youngMarsupials - give birth to not completely formed young, have young pouchesMonotreme - lay soft leathery eggs


Mixing and Separating

Living Things

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