Plant Reproduction


science Note on Plant Reproduction, created by nkeely14 on 07/10/2013.
Note by nkeely14, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nkeely14 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

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sexual reproduction: involves 2 gametes joining together during fertilisation offspring have combination of parent traits(not identical to parents) flower is reproductive part of the plant

asexual reproduction: means that offspring is formed by only one parent offspring are iddentical EG.--strawberry plants produce runners. the runners produce the new plant.

Sexual reproduction

structure of the flower

carpel (not pistil)

main parts sepals-protects the flower when in bud petals-attract isects and protect reproductive parts carpel-female part of the flower(produces egg) stamen-male part of the flower(produces pollen grain)

*only left side*except egg

female parts: stigma-landing place for pollen grains style-connects stigma to ovary ovary-contains ovules ovule-produces egg female gamete

male parts: pollen-male gamete anther-produces pollen grains filament-supports anther


pollination is transfer of pollen from stamen to carpel

methods: wind pollination-carpel and stamen always outside petals insect pollination-carpel and stamen inside petals,insects attracted by smell and colour of the flower,go to get nectar and pollen sticks to them,go to carpel in another plant


is the joining of the male and female gametes to form a zygote

pollon grain forms pollen tube down to ovary combins with egg in ovule

after fertilisation: ovule becomes a seed coat called testa forms around seed zygote forms to an embryo(young plant) embryo cosists of radicle(future roots) and plumule(future shoot) ovary swells with food to form a fruit which surrounds the seed

structure of the seed

seed coat:testafood storageembryo:-plumule(shoot) -radicle(root)

seed dispresal

its the carrying of seed/fruit as far as possible from the parent plant benefit:seedlings dont compete for light,space,water + minerals with parent plant

methods of dispersal: water(coconuts) self(pea pods) wind(sycamore) animals-edible(berries)-sticky(goosegrass)


is the growth of a seed to form a new plant

conditions needed to germinate: water oxygen suitable temperature

main events in germination: seeds absorb water from the soil food supply in embryo allows plumule and radicle to grow radicle bursts out from test followed by plumule once leaves form above soil plant begins to make its own food


set up apperatus as shown leave for a week see which seeds germinate results-A does as it isnt lackind any conditions neccesary to germinate

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