Created by Robyn Blakewood
over 11 years ago
Non Religious Arguments For Capital Punishment Good deterrent to put people off committing horrendous crimes It can provide justice for victims/their families It is a waste of resources housing criminals for their whole life An 'eye for an eye, a life for a life' means that murderers should pay with their life It is the only effective way of protecting society The death penalty has been used for centuries around the world
Non Religious Arguments Against Capital Punishment It is uncivilised Two wrongs don't make a right Legal systems can fail and innocent people may be executed Victims' families still grieve, it doesn't end their loss All life is sacred and people shouldn't take it away Murderers should be given a chance to reform It is a contradiction to condemn murder and then kill a murderer
Christian Attitudes Towards Justice Jesus said that retribution was not the best way and you should use love to overcome injustice Treating people unjustly is a sin and those who do will pay the price on the Day Of Judgement The Old Testament idea of injustice was one of retribution; 'An eye for an eye'. It also said that once punishment was given, no more could be taken He also taught that everyone should be treated how they would want to be treated. 'Do unto others what you would have them do unto you' Jesus' example was one of forgiveness and reform
Muslim Attitudes Towards Justice The Qur'an teaches that Allah wants people to act in justice and fairness to each other 'Believers, conduct yourselves with justice and bear true witness before God' Everyone is equal under Islamic law and as Allah created everyone equal, He expects everyone to treat each other in the same way The Qur'an teaches that even when with enemies, justice should be shown; 'I have been commanded to do justice among you' Muslims believe that they have a duty to work towards a just society and the Qur'an gives them guidance
Attitudes towards Capital Punishment
Attitudes towards justice
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