APUSH Period 4


Review of the 4th period
Esmeralda Flores
Note by Esmeralda Flores, updated more than 1 year ago
Esmeralda Flores
Created by Esmeralda Flores about 6 years ago

Resource summary

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The period is 1800 to1844 Political  2 parties - the federalist vs. the democrat-republicans  Then it would change by the 1930s to the whigs vs. Democrats  Hamilton vs. Jefferson  Clay vs. Jackson Embargo Act of 1807 Nullification crisis of 1832-33  This era brought slavery being positive good of the south The resistance to the democracy  anti-Indian policies 'trail of tears'

2. Social  The American people were looking at region identity, not state identity the second great awakening; this brought reform to movement like temperance, Women's rights, abolitionism  Nativism and xenophobia: the Know-Nothing party, the American colonization society, immigration/Irish  Women's rights: the Seneca falls convention An emergence of a new culture art/literature Hudson River school was for landscape just like the Hudson River  John James Audubon - birds  Religion/women shakers mormons  seneca falls convention    

3. Economic

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4. Cases McCulloch vs.  Maryland  Worcester vs. Georgia 

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