Educational policy


A-Levels Sociology (Education) Mind Map on Educational policy, created by WhisperedWishes on 20/05/2013.
Mind Map by WhisperedWishes, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by WhisperedWishes about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Educational policy
  1. The development of state education.
    1. Phase 1: The middle class received an academic education for future careers, while the working class had elementary schooling in basic skills and left school early to work in factories.
      1. Phase 3: The Education Reform Act. Introduced marketisation.
        1. Phase 2: The tripartite system used the 11+ exam to allocate pupils to secondary school. This channelled middle class students into grammar schools and working class into non-academic education.
          1. Phase 2.5: In 1965 the comprehensive system was introduced, replacing most grammar and secondary modern, and having schools based on catchment area.
            1. However, schools still put their students into streams, keeping the working class in lower streams.
          2. Marketisation policies.
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