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Battle of the Somme
Mind Map on Battle of the Somme, created by maddieisproductive on 11/05/2013.
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Battle of the Somme
Field Marshall Haig's Plan
The British Soldiers would bombard with a week long shelling
Few Germans would be left alive and those alive would be captured
Explosive would easily destroy barbed wire so running across no mans land would be easy
German village would be destroyed and so would the artillery
Why it Failed
Many shells failed to explode
Germans were protected by their incredibly deep dugouts, deeper than british ones
The shells designed to destroy barbed wire were not affective
Germans were expecting the British to go over the top as they usually did this after bombardments
Machine guns were set up in preparation for Britsh Soldiers
Field Marshall Haig
Leader of British forces at Battle of the Somme
He had served for many other military campaigns
Misjudged effectiveness of bombardments
Continued to send wave after wave of men to their deaths after the bombardment
Many British soldiers that went over the top were those who had volunteered in 1914 and 1915 they had never faced real battle before
They were faced by fierce resistance by German troops and machine guns
On the first day 60 000 men were captured, wounded or killed
The Battle of the Somme was proceeded by a week long bombardment of explosives
The day of the attack was 1 July 1916
The British assumed no Germans could possibly have survived the bombardment
The attack went on for 5 months
Ending in November 1916
By the end of the battle there were one million casualties
New attacks were launched by the British trying to capture the land they had planned to capture
The Germans were determined to capture all lost land
The result was limited success for both sides
The Allies advanced the front line by only five miles
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