Core Studies - All 15 Participant Samples


All participants from the 15 AS Core Studies (OCR) put into one mind map.
Robyn Chamberlain
Mind Map by Robyn Chamberlain , updated more than 1 year ago
Robyn Chamberlain
Created by Robyn Chamberlain almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Core Studies - All 15 Participant Samples


  • I am unsure why I made this into a heart shape as it has no relevance.
  • But I shan't change it as it is easy on the eyes.
  • For once.
  • Unlike all the other hulk-like mind maps I have created.
  • Yes, all of  these five notes are completely useless.
  1. Loftus and Palmer


    • First Study -  45 participants, all university students from a psychology class.
    • Second study - 150 participants, all university psychology students.
    1. Samuel and Bryant


      • 252 participants. Both boys and girls taken from schools/playgroups in Devon. Aged between 5.5 and 8.5 years.
      1. Maguire


        • Experimental group - The 16 taxi drivers. Aged between 32 and 63 with an average age of 44. All left handed males who had passed 'the knowledge'.
        • Condition group - 50 right handed males between the ages of 32 and 62. Scans taken from the same clinic in which the taxi drivers were scanned at.
        1. Reicher and Haslam


          • - 332 possible participants whittled down to 15 by psychometric testing. - 5 of the participants started the study as guards. - 10 started out as prisoners.
          1. Rosenhan


            • First Experiment - 8 Pseudopatients with no hisory of Mental health going into 11 different psychiatric hospitals. 5 males and 3 females (One of these males were Rosenhan himself). -  The staff and patients within the hospital were all considered to be participants within the study,
            • Second Experiment - The participants were the staff within the hospital.
            1. Baron-Cohen


              • 1) Autistic/Asperges Syndrome group. - 16 participants. 4 with autism and 12 with Asperges Syndrome. - 13 males and 3 females. - Self-selected from an advert in a national autism magazine. - Mean IQ of 105.31
              • 2) Normal group of 50 age matched participants - Randomly selected from the general population of Cambridge. - 25 females and 25 males. - IQ 85 or above.
              • 3) Tourettes Syndrome - 10 participants, age matched. - 8 males and 2 females. - Mean IQ = 103.5 - Opportunity sample from refferal meeting in London.
              1. Bandura, Ross and Ross


                • 72 children between 37 and 69 months. - 36 boys and 36 girls. - Opportunistic sample.
                1. Sperry


                  • 11 people who had undergone the surgery to have their corpus collusm severed due to epilectic fits. - Only two participants were studied in detail, a male and a female.
                  1. Piliavin, Rodin and Rodin


                    • A total of 4450 people were used in this study including the victims, the models, the observers and all of those within the critial or adjacent area's over the course of this study.
                    1. Thigpen and Cleckley


                      • Eve White was the only participant. Her alter ego's Eve Black and Jane also count to the same single participant.
                      1. Griffiths


                        • 60 participants. - 44 males and16 females. - Self selected from advertisements put up in Plymouth Universities and colleges. - Some of the participants were gamblers who Griffith knew.
                        1. Milgram


                          • 40 participants. - All male. A varierty of jobs. Blue collar, white collar, lawyers and so on. - Self-selected from an advertisement in the paper.
                          1. Freud


                            • Little Hans was the only participant within the study, His father and Freud were considered observers/interpreters.
                            1. Savage-Rumbaugh


                              • The Pygmy chimps and the normal chimps. - Kanzi and Mulika (Pygmy) Kanzi aged 2 1/2 to 4 years and Mulika ages 1 1/2 to 3. -Sherman and Austin (normal) Ages 10 and 9 around the study.
                              1. Dement and Kleitrman


                                • 9 participants. -5 in which were studied in detail. -7 males and 2 females.
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