

GCSE PE Mind Map on Injury, created by bagzxx on 10/05/2013.
Mind Map by bagzxx, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bagzxx over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Internally caused injuries - where the performer is solely responsible
    1. Overuse injuries - caused by wither training /training too much
      1. Stress fractures & muscle and tendon injuries like tennis elbow & cartilage damage
      2. Sudden injuries - strain put on body owing a lot of stretching, twisting & turning
        1. Hamstring pulls
      3. Externally caused injuries- caused by other factors other than the performer e.g. equipment, opponent & playing conditions
        1. Foul play/incorrect action including poor/incorrect technique - rules there to prevent this
          1. Impact injuries - impact from another player, equipment or playing surface
            1. E.g. goal post, football boots, hockey sticks, artificial turf, outdoor court & sports hall floor
            2. Equipment/clothing - damaged or Faulty equipment
              1. Splinter from hockey stick, non-fixed portable goal or badly fitting trainers - too tight causing blisters/loose fitting clothing in trampolining
            3. Common injuries - head injuries, fractures, hypothermia, pulled muscles and dislocations
              1. RICE principle:Rest_Ice_Compress_Elevate
                1. Sprain is an injury to a ligament & occurs when you fall awkwardly. Strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon and occurs if you exercise too much or by heavy lifting
                2. How to avoid injury
                  1. Ground should be clean and clear - no objects like large stones/conkers => slipping
                    1. People looking out for you e.g. spotters in trampolining
                      1. Wearing appropriate guards e.g. pads & helmet in cricket and gloves for boxing
                        1. No faulty equipment & make sure it is set up properly e.g. Trampoline
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