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Significance of Safety culture
Mind Map on Significance of Safety culture, created by andywilce78 on 10/05/2013.
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Significance of Safety culture
The safety culture of an organisation is the way that all the people within the organisation think and feel about H & S
It can be defined as shared attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviours relating to H & S
Strong link between safety culture and H & S performance
The safety culture of an organisation can be assessed by looking at indicators
Indicators include
Sickness rates
Staff turnover
Worker complaints
Positive culture
Majority of workers think and feel that H & S is important
Strong policy and leadership from the top
Everyone works safely because they want to
People work safely and there will be fewer accidents and ill health
Negative culture
Majority of workers think that H & S is not important
Poorly educated in H & S and see it as unnecessary or not important
Lack of clear direction and leadership from management
Workers behave unsafely because they do not know any better
Influence of peers
Established by the more influential members of the group
If a group is working safely then peer group pressure will keep most people in that group in line
If a group is working unsafely then peer group pressure will force more workers to work unsafely
the behaviour of peer groups exert on workers is a good indicator of safety culture
In an organisation with a negative culture peer group pressure is driving unsafe behaviours and this has not been challenged by management
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