
User has deleted their subject information Mind Map on BIOENERGIA, created by Deleted user on 24/02/2017.
Deleted user
Mind Map by Deleted user, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
nome  sobrenome
Created by nome sobrenome about 9 years ago
Pagandai V Pannir Selvam
Copied by Pagandai V Pannir Selvam over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Alemanha
    1. Oeko Inst.
      1. Darmstadt
        1. Katia Hünecke
      2. IFEU
        1. Horst Fehrenbach
          1. Anna Hennecke
            1. Heiko Keller
              1. Berlin
                1. Susanne Köppen
                2. Guido Reinhardt
                3. IINAS
                  1. Uwe Fritsche
                  2. Jorge Lucas???
                  3. España
                    1. CENER
                    2. Noruega
                      1. Agder Uni.
                        1. Henrik Nielsen
                        2. SINTEF
                          1. Anders Stromman
                        3. Itália
                          1. FAO
                            1. GBEP
                              1. Michela Morese
                              2. Energy/Bioenergy
                                1. Olivier Dubois
                            2. New Zealand
                              1. SCION
                              2. Sweden
                                1. Chalmers
                                  1. Jokonping Uni.
                                  2. Áustria
                                    1. Bioenergy 2020+
                                      1. CEO
                                        1. Walter Haslinger
                                        2. HR
                                          1. Claudia Holzleitner
                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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