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Tourism - Case Studys
Cambridge IGCSE Geography Mind Map on Tourism - Case Studys, created by wamaroo on 08/05/2013.
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cambridge igcse
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over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Tourism - Case Studys
Eco Tourism - Galapagos Islands
Where are they?
Chain of volcanic islands
1000KM's of the west coast of South America
Why people go there?
90% of land is national parks
Darwin formulated his theory of evolution there
Impact of tourism?
Animals are stressed and abandon younge
Land has changed from forests to small Urban areas due to hotels.
How are tourists Managed?
Number of tourists restricted
Only allowed in honeypot sites
"The Galapagos Island Trust" gives £25 from every tourist to help
Locals give boat rides to inform tourists of how to help
How tourism has helped?
Traffic Congestion
National park - Pembrokshire
Where is it?
South West Wales
Why people visit?
Outdoor activities
Smallest city in the UK
What's the impact of tourism?
Footpath erosion
Conflict between farmer and visitors
Traffic Congestion
Change the characteristics of quite villages
Increase of house prices
Tourist Resort - Blackpool
Problems in Blackpool
1000 hotels have closed
Cheep package holidays
Unpredictable weather
more day trips than holidays
Looks very run down
Attempts to improve Blackpool
Smarten up run down areas
New attractions
Beaches have been cleared up
Off season events e.g. confrences
How affective have the strategies been?
Not very effective
On average only 25% of hotel rooms are full
Suffers from poor image
Failed to win super casino bid
Mass tourism in a tropical destination - Jamacia
Where is it?
Tropical island in the Caribbean (West Indies)
Why People go there?
Wide beaches
Rum & Reggae culture
Beautiful weather
Impact of tourism
8% of population is employed in tourism
Tourism contributes 20% of GDP
How is tourism managed
Encourage Eco-Tourism
Build Eco Lodges
Encorage use of bikes and use local products
Encourage community tourism
Problems caused by mass tourism
Original fishing port has been replaced by hotels
water sports & anchors damage coral reef
Hotels pump sewage into the sea
Tourism in extreme environments - Antarctica
Where is it?
In the southern hemispher
Why do people go there?
See the wildlife
Extremely cold
Impact of tourism?
Tourists arrive by cruise ship
Participate in extreme sports
Visit nests
This leads to...
Animal becoming stressed
Cruise ships causing oil spills
Putting in toilets changes the natural landforms of Antarctica
Introduction of foreign seed species
How tourism is managed
All tour operators must be a member of IAATO
Ships must depose of there waste somewhere else
Not allowed at sights of special scientific intrests
Only clean footwear allowed
No more than 500 people at a time
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