Principles of Biology: Exam 1


Biology Mind Map on Principles of Biology: Exam 1, created by Olaniyi Adebayo on 13/02/2017.
Olaniyi Adebayo
Mind Map by Olaniyi Adebayo, updated more than 1 year ago
Olaniyi Adebayo
Created by Olaniyi Adebayo almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Principles of Biology: Exam 1
  1. Overview/Homestasis
    1. Vertebrates
      1. Chordates


        • Amniotic vs Anamniotic Amniotic: Reptiles, Mammals, Avians  Anamniotic: Amphibians, Osteichtyes (bony fishes), Agnatha (lampreys), Chondrichthyes (cartliginous fish)
      2. Invertebrates
        1. Anthropods
          1. Sponges
            1. Cnidarians
              1. Roundworms
                1. Flatworms


                  • lack a circulatory system and rely on diffusion for gas exchange *hence why they re flat, to reduce L, diffusion distance
                  1. Annelids
                    1. Echinoderms
                      1. Mollusks
                    2. Thermoregulations
                      1. Endotherms (Homeotherm)


                        • internally generate heat to maintain body temp, temp stays steady regardless of environment Higher metabolic rates     
                        1. Birds and Mammals
                        2. Ectotherms (Pakelotherm)


                          • depend on external heat sources, body temp changes w/ temp of environment lower metabolic rates *However, most ectotherms regulate body temp to some degree, most use behavioral methods, however, some use physiological methods
                          1. Reptiles, Fish, Amphibians
                            1. Tunas (bony fish)


                              • Elevate body temp by retaining metabolic rates with a COUNTERCURRENT heat exchanger
                              1. Pelagic Sharks (cartilaginous fish)


                                • Elevate body temp by retainig metabolic rates with a COUNTERCURRENT heat exchanger
                            2. Effect of Environmental Temp on Body T and Metabolism
                              1. Homeostasis


                                • the ability to maintain a constant internal environment in response to environmental changes
                                1. Feedback Loops


                                  • Positive Feedback Loops: a self-amplifying cycle where a physiological change leads to even greater change in the same direction Negative Feedback Loop: a process in which the body senses a change, and activates mechanisms to reverse that change
                                  1. Sensors
                                    1. Control Center (integrator, summator)
                                      1. Effectors
                                      2. Hypothalamus


                                        • Most important sensor found in mammals (thermostat) When the hypothalamus is cooled, metabolism increases and body temp increases When the hypothalamus is heated, metabolism decreases and body temp decreases
                                    2. Regulating Temperature


                                      • 1. Insulation 2. Circulatory rerouting 3. Evaporative cooling *** dH/dt= C(TA-TB) C= conductance (TA-TB)= driving force
                                      1. Heat Production


                                        • 1. metabolism of nutrients (50% efficiency 2.muscle activity 3.shivering thermogenesis 4.non-shivering thermogensis (Brown Fat)
                                        1. Brown Fat


                                          • In brown fat the inner mitochondrial membrane is made leaky to H+ so energy is not used  to make a ATP but rather is released as heat
                                          1. Countercurrent Exchange
                                          2. Evaporative Cooling


                                            • -sweating -respiratory surfaces ( i.e. panting) -gular flutter (avians)
                                            1. Gular Flutter


                                              • Form of evaporative cooling used by avians Disadvantage: Loss of water
                                        2. Heterotherms


                                          • animals (mammals and birds) whose body temp varies at different times *Conserves energy by lowering body T set point
                                          1. Torpor


                                            • Period of time when body temperature changes (hibernation) Ex; squirrels, bears, bats *Only one bird- hummingbirds
                                        3. Respiration, Gas Transport, and Hemoglobin
                                          1. Fick's Law of Diffusion


                                            • Q=DA((P1-P2)/L) Q= rate of diffusion D= diffusion coefficient A= surface area for exchange P1-P2= pressure difference L= diffusion distance
                                            1. Gas exhange by diffusion


                                              • Ex: flatworms and insects insects take in air to the tissues via tracheae (air ducts), vunerable to dehydration
                                              1. Ventilatory systems of a terrestrial vertebrate


                                                • Terrestrial vertebrates breathe using internal lungs a circulatory system for transport (not very efficient) TIDAL VENTILATION (2 Way)
                                                1. Surface tension


                                                  • Causes the lungs the lungs to expand Collapsed lungs are a result of loss of surface tension
                                                  1. Surfactant (detergent)


                                                    • Substance produced by the lungs of humans  Important for preventing collapse of alveoli 
                                                  2. Anatomical Dead Space/ Residual Volume


                                                    • Dead Volume: large amount of air in bronchi never reach the lungs Residual Volume: not all air is removed from lungs when exhaling (fresh air diluted by stale air)
                                                    1. Atmosphere Air/ Air in Lungs


                                                      • Atmosphere: 21% O2, .03% CO2, 78% N2 Po2 in lungs= 114 mmHg (15%)
                                                    2. Myoglobin & Hemoglobin


                                                      • subunits of protein (globin) + heme (iron ring)
                                                      1. Hemoglobin (4)


                                                        • Can bind to 4 molecules
                                                        1. Myoglobin (1)
                                                          1. Cooperativity vs Affintity


                                                            • Cooperativity- sigmoidal shape of hemoglobin's oxygen-dissociation curve results from cooperative binding  Affinity- how easily the oxygen molecules bind to the molecule Fetus- needs stronger affinity for O2 to go thru the placenta Oxygen is not very soluble in blood plasma
                                                          2. Respiration
                                                            1. Medulla (respiratory control center)


                                                              • more soluble than O2 in solution (5%) bound as Hb (20%) as bicarbonate ions (70%) buffers plasma
                                                              1. CO2


                                                                • converted to HCO3- & H+
                                                            2. CO2 transport in blood


                                                              • more soluble than O2 in solution (5%) bound to Hb (20%) ss bicarbonate ions (70%) *buffers plasma
                                                              1. Avian Respiratory


                                                                • Avians have both air sacs and lungs (sacs act as bellows)
                                                                1. Accessory sacs


                                                                  • Air sacs that at as bellows pushing air thru in one direction, and not for gas exhange surfaces
                                                                2. Breathing is more costly in water than air


                                                                  • Problems: 1. Less air content in water 2. Oxygen diffuses thru water slower than air 3.Viscosity/ density of water
                                                                  1. Countercurrent Exchange (One Way)


                                                                    • Gills have lamellae structures allowing for countercurrent exchange
                                                                    1. One-Way Flow


                                                                      • freshwater moves continuously thru the gills during inhalation and exhalation
                                                                  2. Circulatory Systems: Pumps, Plumbing & Capillaries
                                                                    1. Capillaries


                                                                      • Capillaries are permeable to CO2, H2O, small proteins, and O2, but not large molecules such as large proteins and blood cells Blood cells flow single filePermeability regulated by pH, temp, and histamine
                                                                      1. Osmotic Pressure/ Hydrostatic Presssure


                                                                        • net movement of fluid IN and OUT of the capillaries is determined by osmotic pressure (roughly the same) and hydrostatic pressure
                                                                        1. Precapillary Sphinctors


                                                                          • Location of capillary exchange processes (found in capillary beds) 1. diffusion 2.bulk flow--osmotic pressure (inward)--blood pressure (outward)
                                                                          1. Influence of pH/ Temp


                                                                            • pH and temperature influence blood flow decreased pH opes capillary vents decreased temp constricts capilary
                                                                        2. The Peripheral Vasculature


                                                                          • Vasculature Effectors: -Local factors -Autonomic N.S. -Hormonal
                                                                          1. Autonomic Nervous System


                                                                            • Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Fight or Flight (Sympathetic)
                                                                          2. Blood Flow; Pressure & Velocity


                                                                            • As blood flows thru capillaries heat, O2, and waste are exchanged/ blood pressure drops
                                                                            1. Different ways to pump blood
                                                                              1. Peristalsis


                                                                                • Present in many invertebrates Muscular, and can contract and prevent blood flow from moving backwards
                                                                                1. Chambered Heart Valves


                                                                                  • Present in vertebrates Valves prevent blood flow from going backwards
                                                                                  1. Skeletal muscles & valves


                                                                                    • Present in vertebrate veins Venous system in which blood moves thru veins using gravity or muscular contraction
                                                                                  2. Seperate Pulmonary/ Systemic Circulatory Systems (birds & Mammals)


                                                                                    • Advantages: control volume and blood pressure seperately -different velocity -different pressure
                                                                                    1. Blood Pressure


                                                                                      • Cardiac Output x Total Resistance Pressure pushes fluid thru the body, therefore low pressure would leave fluid in the lungs Blood Pressure= CO x Peripheral Resistance
                                                                                      1. Cardiac Output


                                                                                        • How much blood is being pumped in a given time Heart Rate & Stroke Volume (HR x SV)
                                                                                    2. Regulation of Water & Ion Balance: Kidney I
                                                                                      1. Kidney


                                                                                        • Takes in H2O w/ ions Removes urine and eliminates wastes (thru sweating/ respiratory evaporation)
                                                                                        1. Function: Bulk Filtration and Selective Reabsorption


                                                                                          • 1. Filters the blood 2. Maintains plasma osmolarity & ions3. Eliminates waste
                                                                                          1. Waste Elimination


                                                                                            • nitrogenous waste- proteins, nucleic acids, nutrients ammonia (NH4OH)- toxic, highly solubleuric acid (C5H4N4O5)- not toxic, insolubleurea (CO(NH2)2)-non toxic, soluble*primary waste for humans
                                                                                            1. Filtration


                                                                                              • -happens at the glomerulus -large volume of plasma goes thru the the capillaries
                                                                                              1. Movement


                                                                                                • Blood pressure and osmotic pressure move water Urine produced can be more concentrated than blood
                                                                                              2. Selective Reuptake


                                                                                                • -happens in the proximal convoluted tubule -active transport  -reuptake of ions, water, and glucose
                                                                                                1. Active Transport


                                                                                                  • 1. Movement of molecules against concentration gradient 2. Requires ATP (energy) 3. Specific protein transporter (none for water)
                                                                                              3. Nephron (subunit)
                                                                                              4. Osmoregulation in other animals


                                                                                                • birds, fish, lizards all have other osmoregulators
                                                                                              5. Kidney II; Comparative Physiology of Osmoregulation

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