Letters from Yorkshire - Maura Dooley


Letters from Yorkshire quotes
Jacob Mullins
Mind Map by Jacob Mullins, updated more than 1 year ago
Jacob Mullins
Created by Jacob Mullins about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Letters from Yorkshire - Maura Dooley
  1. Maura Dooley
    1. autobiographical inspired by letters from friend
      1. used to live in Yorkshire
        1. contrast of modern electronic to natural life
          1. ' In February, digging his garden, planting potatoes,/ he saw the first lapwings return and came/ indoors to write to me, his knuckles singing'
            1. Enjambement throughout gives verse free flow like her correspondents' life flowing effortlessly to her.
              1. alliteration, cycle of seasons, continuity
            2. ' me with my heartful of headlines/ feeding words into a blank screen./ Is your life more real because you dig and sow?'
              1. alliteration link , lifeless contrast, bland in comparison from 'reddened' 'warmth' 'singing' to 'blank'
              2. 'Still, it's you/ who sends me word of the other world/ pouring air and light into an envelope.'
                1. lives in Yorkshire through him, vicariously
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