Girls' and Boys'Education - A Mind Map Nikki and Mikayla


Mind Map on Girls' and Boys'Education - A Mind Map Nikki and Mikayla, created by nikkifulps on 02/04/2014.
Mind Map by nikkifulps, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Cecelia Price
Created by Cecelia Price almost 11 years ago
Copied by nikkifulps almost 11 years ago
Copied by nikkifulps almost 11 years ago
Copied by nikkifulps almost 11 years ago
Copied by nikkifulps almost 11 years ago
Copied by nikkifulps almost 11 years ago
Copied by nikkifulps almost 11 years ago
Copied by nikkifulps almost 11 years ago
Copied by nikkifulps almost 11 years ago
Copied by nikkifulps almost 11 years ago
Copied by nikkifulps almost 11 years ago
Copied by nikkifulps almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Girls' and Boys'Education - A Mind Map Nikki and Mikayla


  • Use the Note Area to cite sources of information you found. Click the upper right corner of the box to make the note pad appear, then type.
  1. Level 2: Sources Before 2010. In the bubbles below, record the main idea of each of the five articles we read for the discussion posts. Use dates in APA style.
    1. The main idea of the Mead(2008) article is that gender based education has not been proved to be more successful than coed education, due to questions about different learning based on gender.
      2. The main idea of the Greene (1978) article is that teachers need to be fully aware and capable on not enticing their own discriminatory beliefs on the children they are teaching.


        • Note the citation here - it is APA style.  The author's last name and the date of the article/book.  Then at the end, you would have a list of references in APA style that would include the name of the article/book - like what most of you did for your biography project.
        2. The main idea of the Whitmire2004) article is to give a one sided opinion as to why girls are excelling in school and boys are being out-performed on the academic level.
          2. The main idea of the Mead(2006) article is that boys are not doing worse overall, the girls are just closing gabs and in some areas surpassing the boys achedemically.
            2. The main idea of the Baily(1992) article is that, there is a large amount of occupational segregation based on gender in this country and it is proven by the substantial difference in wages earned in the real world.
            3. Level 2: Sources After 2010. Choose 5 of the 8 new articles I provided, or search the web for others. Any combination is also fine. In the bubbles below, record the main idea of each.
              1. The Segal(2013) article shows the statistics that girls are getting better grades in college than boys, but scoring lower on SAT's. This is a factor based on what school levels they get into in college.
                2. The Brenneman(2013) article shows that american girls are just as well behaved as Asian boys, but it shows that discipline is the likely reason for school dropouts.
                  2. The Mead(2013) article shows that women do better in schools, but men still remain the higher candidates for higher ranked jobs.
                    2. The Sparks(2014) article makes note of boys and girls will be ranked the same GPA wise if boys are involved in church and the arts categories while girls are involved in teams.
                      2. The Adams(2013) article gives many examples as to why in Florida the rate for girls to go to college is higher than the enrollment of boys.
                      3. Level 1: At least three connections go in bubbles on this level. What have you found to remain the same throughout both time periods (before 2010 and after 2010) concerning girls' and boys' ed? Write these connections in boxes/bubbles on this level.


                        • Here is where you show evidence of your thinking. Connect the pieces about boys and girls' education that you have found to be the same in sources before 2010 (which we read for the discussions) and in sources you found dated after 2010.
                        1. The articles are similar in ways that they both agree that women are being shortchanged when it comes to being paid in the real world. They both show that even though the women have better college degrees and GPA than men and they still get paid less.
                          1. The similarities of all of these articles is they are all written by Sara Mead. The good thing about comparing these articles is that they all have the same view point and its easy to see her views on different intentions.
                            1. In the article “Should we care about gender Composition at New York’s Elite Public Schools?” written by Mead(2013) it shows that women do better in schools, but men will always receive more money in higher paid jobs. In the article “How Schools Shortchange Girls” written by Wheimere(1992) talks about how the segregation based on gender and is proven that there is a big difference in wages earned in the real world.
                              1. -Article number one is “The problem with Gender- Based Education” written by Mead(2008). Article number two is “The Truth about Boys and Girls” written also by Mead(2006). The final article is “Should we care about gender Composition at New York’s Elite Public Schools?” written again by Mead(2013).
                              2. Level 3: What differences in the updated information did you find? Compare articles dated after 2010 to those dated before 2010. Record at least three.
                                1. Mead (2006) said boys are not doing worse overall in schools; however, Segal(2013) said girls are getting better grades in college than boys.
                                  1. One article said boys are doing well and not worse than girls, the other one is saying girls are doing better in college, making these articles a differentiating factor when comparing the two.
                                    1. In the article “Asian boys beat American Boys at Behavior” written by Brenneman(2013) he talks about the different genders and how they are different in school and how their behaviors are different within races. The way the article “Sexism in Schools” by Maxine was written is that teachers need to treat everyone equal and not to find differences between students of gender or race.
                                      1. In the article “The Truth about Boys and Girls” written by Mead(2006) the boys aren’t doing worse overall. The contradicting factor in the article “Better to be Lucky than Good: The Persistent Gender Gap in Standardized Testing” written by Segal(2013) he mentions that girls are in fact doing better in college.
                                        1. Level 4: Look at sources dated after 2010 that your group found for this week's discussion posts. On this level, show at least two likenesses (to the right) and two differences(to the left) you found as you studied these and ANY other works we have studied in the course. Cite your findings.
                                          1. We found an article entitled "How to Make Schools Better for Boys."- Christina Hoff Sommers. (2013). This article relates to the article "Boys are Struggling"- Whitmire
                                            1. Girls are achieving more in schools
                                              1. Most men are not attending college
                                                1. Men are less desirable without a college degree
                                                  1. We found an article called "Academics Anonymous: Sexism is Driving Women out of Science."-Academics Anonymous. (2014). This article is highly related to "Sexism in Schools."- Maxine Greene.
                                                    1. In both of these articles girls are sweeping colleges and achieving a higher level of education. Also both articles spoke of marriage. Most girls want to find a husband when they go to college. Men are less desirable if they do not have a college degree.
                                                      1. In both of these articles girls are being judged. Women are not being hired into the science world because they may get pregnant and have to go on maternity leave. It is also thought that women do not belong in the corporate world.
                                                        1. Women are judged
                                                          1. They are being turned down because they might have a baby
                                                      2. There are articles that show very different views. The article "How Schools Shortchange Girls."- No Author. Is completely different that the article "How Boys are Struggling."-No Author
                                                        1. These articles are different because one defends how boys are struggling in school and the other defends how girls are struggling in math and their self esteem is lower.
                                                        2. Level 5: What conclusion(s) have you drawn about girls and boys' education as a result of synthesizing all you have read for this assignment?
                                                          1. Our first conclusion that we came to is that most of the articles do not really stick to what they are trying to say. They almost all contradict themselves. They talk about how boys are struggling, but then it will talk about how girls are just surpassing them.


                                                            •  A notation needs to be on each of your bubbles in this area - support what you believe!  For example, you could refer to something in "Savage Inequalities", in which case you would write: (Kozol, 1991)
                                                            1. After reading all of these articles we believe that both girls and boys struggle in school. Boys do not learn like girls do, but girls are also deal with sexism. Women do not make as much money as men and they are also being pushed out of science because they might have to go on maternity leave. We believe that schools need to tend to both the needs of boys and girls to provide the most fair learning environment.
                                                            2. "The Truth About Boys and Girls."-Sara Meade and the article "Boys are Struggling"-No Author are also different.
                                                              1. These articles are different because "The Truth about Boys and Girls" talks about how girls are just surpassing boys in school. "Boys are Struggling" makes excuses why boys are not doing well in school.
                                                            3. The way the articles are different is the way they look at teaching and compare kids. The Brenneman article is all about how Asian boys as equal to American Girls, but American boys and American girls are different. The Maxine article stricktly teaches teachers how to not be discriminatory.
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