Mark Dunn hesi case study


Nursing Mind Map on Mark Dunn hesi case study, created by shannon shaffer on 12/11/2016.
shannon shaffer
Mind Map by shannon shaffer, updated more than 1 year ago
shannon shaffer
Created by shannon shaffer over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Mark Dunn hesi case study
  1. 52 year old white male
    1. 72" tall, 190 pounds
      1. Smokes 1 1/2 pack per day
        1. Drinks alcohol of unknown amount after work with friends
          1. Drinks 4/5 cups of coffee per day
            1. Initial Assessment
              1. Blood pressure189/110
                1. Cholesterol 200
                  1. Follow-up Assessment
                    1. Blood pressure 180/106
                      1. DX stage 2, primary hypertension
                        1. Low salt diet
                          1. quit smoking
                            1. limit alcohol
                              1. manage stress
                                1. chlorothiazide, atenolol
                                  1. Procardia
                                    1. Avoid grapefruit
                                2. U/S for family hx of AA
                                  1. 3 cm Fusiform Aneurysm
                                    1. Tx with good BP control
                              2. Family History
                                1. Mother
                                  1. Diabetes Metlitus
                                    1. ? Hypertension
                                    2. Uncle/Grandfather
                                      1. Aortic Aneurysm
                                    3. Patient Teaching
                                      1. quit smoking
                                        1. low salt diet
                                          1. Stress Management
                                            1. Reduce Alcohol
                                              1. Methods
                                                1. Biofeedback
                                                  1. Guided Imagery
                                                    1. Nicotine Gum
                                                      1. Limit Processed Foods
                                                        1. Increase fresh vegies
                                                          1. Quit plan
                                                        2. Presents ER
                                                          1. Sudden Back pain
                                                            1. Pale
                                                              1. Orders: .9% NS IV, CT Scan, Type and Cross x4, EKG
                                                                1. Dx - dissecting aortic aneurysm
                                                                  1. Emergency Surgery
                                                                    1. Patient dies in surgery
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