Artificial Intelligence - English


Kleines Mindmip zur Künstlichen Intelligence auf English
Yanik Emmenegger
Mind Map by Yanik Emmenegger, updated more than 1 year ago
Yanik Emmenegger
Created by Yanik Emmenegger about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Artificial Intelligence - English
  1. Computer Programs
    1. IBM Watson
      1. Google Now
        1. Alpha Go
          1. Microsoft Cortana
            1. Siri
            2. Robotics
              1. ASIMO
                1. Atlas
                2. Vehicle
                  1. Smart Home
                    1. Computer Program
                      1. Siri
                        1. Google Now
                          1. Cortana
                            1. Watson
                              1. AlphaGo
                              2. Robotic
                                1. ASIMO
                                  1. Atlas
                                  2. Vehicle
                                    1. Google Car
                                      1. Tesla
                                        1. Elon Musk
                                      2. Home
                                        1. Computer Program
                                          1. Watson
                                            1. Google Now
                                              1. Siri
                                                1. AlphaGo
                                                  1. Cortana
                                                  2. Robotic
                                                    1. ASIMO
                                                      1. Atlas
                                                      2. Vehilce
                                                        1. Google Car
                                                          1. Tesla
                                                          2. Future
                                                            1. Fridge
                                                              1. Planes
                                                                1. Human Robot
                                                                  1. More & More.....
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