The Causes of Reformation


Mind Map on The Causes of Reformation, created by Sophia De Leon on 13/10/2016.
Sophia  De Leon
Mind Map by Sophia De Leon, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophia  De Leon
Created by Sophia De Leon over 8 years ago

Resource summary

The Causes of Reformation
  1. Long-term causes
    1. earlier opposition to the church
      1. clergy's wealth
        1. John Huss
          1. John Wycliffe and the Lollards
            1. Church failed to explain diseas
              1. right to tax church property
              2. decline in the influence of the church
                1. Black Death (1348-50)
                  1. the rise of powerful kings
                    1. because of two popes -> great Schism
                      1. pesants rebelling against their masters
                        1. killed many priests
                        2. new mentality
                          1. Renaissance
                            1. Europe opens doors to external influences
                              1. invention of printing press (1436)
                                1. Ideas could be spread faster
                                  1. Crusades
                                    1. exploration of america (1492)
                                2. Short-term causes
                                  1. Martin luther
                                    1. questioned the sale of indulgences
                                      1. 95 Theses on church door
                                        1. was protected by Frederick III. at Wartburg Castle
                                          1. excommunicated by pope
                                            1. many people followed him
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