Why we should allow PEDs


Doping Mind Map on Why we should allow PEDs, created by zooeythecalisi on 16/03/2014.
Mind Map by zooeythecalisi, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by zooeythecalisi over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Why we should allow PEDs
  1. History of PED
    1. Use - 3rd Olympiad


      • Marathon - Thomas Hicks - injection of strychnine
      1. 1928 - International Amateur Athletic Federation
      2. Reasons athletes cheat
        1. Rewards vs. Penalties
          1. Millions in Prize Money and Sponsorships
            1. Short bans and small fines if caught
            2. Drugs are very effective
              1. Low rate of testing
              2. Detection is hard
                1. EPO and Growth Hormone - Natural chemical in the body
                  1. Mimic natural processes
                  2. Why drugs are banned
                    1. Performance enhancing
                      1. Health risk
                        1. Violates the "spirit of sport"
                        2. What is sport? Competing Models
                          1. Test of biological potential
                            1. Training brings out potential
                              1. Drugs that improve natural potential are agains the spirt
                                1. Winner - person with best genetic potential
                                2. Choice, Judgement, Creativity
                                  1. What kind of training
                                    1. Strategy
                                      1. Diet
                                        1. Drugs (do not violate spirit)
                                          1. Winner: best genetic potential, training, psychology and judgement
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