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Energy supply, demand and insecurity
Energy Mind Map on Energy supply, demand and insecurity, created by emmajackson95 on 29/04/2013.
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Energy supply, demand and insecurity
Energy sources
Fossil fuels
Finite, non renewable energy resources
Exploitation through quarrying, mining and pumping
Coal, natural gas, nuclear fission and crude oil
Concerns: contributes GHGs to the atmosphere, CCS is complex, possible health risks (e.g. Chernobyl), difficult disposal of nuclear waste, peak oil?
Renewable sources
Solar energy, ocean energy, wind energy, HEP, geothermal energy
Concerns: takes up a lot of land so destroys habitats, NIMBY, unaesthetically pleasing, expensive, high maintenance costs, locations are limited
Recyclable sources
Sustainable - e.g. reprocessed uranium and plutonium, biofuels and biomass
Renewable stock replenished with careful management
Close to being carbon neutral as although they emit carbon dioxide, sources reabsorb it when regrown
Energy consumption
Factors affecting the use of energy resources
Energy availabilty
Modern types of energy are either unavailable or inaccessible for some nations lacking the necessary infrastructure
Adapting to varying climates can increase energy consumption e.g. air conditioning
The highest solar output is found near the equator, but local cloud cover also affect this
Poverty and electricity access are inversely related - 2.1 billion still without electricity
Energy affordability
Often modern energy sources are more expensive than tradition sources like wood and animal dung
Rural areas prefer biomass as it is free and readily available
Cultural preferences
Tradition slows the adoption of modern energy sources - e.g. many people in the UK still use an open coal/wood fire
Distribution of energy sources
Solar potential
High around the equator and between the tropics
Wind potential
High where the largest fetches are found - Southern ocean, South Pacific ocean, Arctic ocean
Wave power
Greater than 50 kW/m along the South African coast, coast of New Zealand and South American coast
Natural gas reserves
1. Russia, 2. Iran, 3 Qatar
Oil reserves
1. Saudi Arabia, 2. Canada, 3. Iran
The Middle East is the largest player with the greatest output and reserves - Saudi Arabia accounts for 22% of the world's oil
Geopolitical power
Coal reserves
1. USA, 2. Russia, 3. China
China builds 2 medium coal power stations a week - doubling consumption since 1900
China's carbon emissions exceed that of the USA's
Nuclear power
1. Australia, 2 Kazakhstan, 3 USA
Energy demand
Sources of demand
Mainly for transport
Electricity, industry and commercial/residential use
Mainly for electricity
Industry and commercial/residential use
Mainly for electricity and residential use
Transport and industry
Mainly for commercial/residential use
Transport, electricity and industrial use
For generating electricity
For generating electricity
Rising consumption
Increased demand = increased consumption
During the 1900s, demand increased ten fold
Rising living standards
Population growth
Economic growth and industrial change
Future trends
China and India are expected to have the largest energy demands
Western nations may reduce demand with increased energy efficiency due to rising costs
Energy consumption in the developing world will double by 2020
Energy security
Disruption of pathways by natural disasters
Exhaustion of reserves
Protests due to environmental damage caused
Price spikes
Exhaustion of domestic supplies forcing increased imports
Political instability in energy-producing regions
Disputes over sovereignty
Energy Security Index (ESI)
Amount and longevity of each nation's oil and gas supplies and the reliance on imports
Range of resources used to meet the energy demand
The degree to which the economy of a nation is dependent on oil and gas
Characteristics of risk
Heavy importers of oil and gas show high risk
Countries with substantial reserves have low risk
Medium sized developed nations show medium risk due to their diversity of energy sources
The BRICs share a similar risk to the more advanced economies
Many African nations have low levels of risk due to low levels of consumption and untapped resources
The USA has a very high risk level due to huge consumption and reliance on imports
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