

What do you need to consider?
Cath Warriner
Mind Map by Cath Warriner, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Cath Warriner
Created by Cath Warriner almost 11 years ago
Cath Warriner
Copied by Cath Warriner almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. BIG DAY
    1. Believe
      1. In yourself
        1. In you ability
        2. Be confident
          1. Be happy!
            1. Exam
              1. Read exam questions carefully
                1. Look at the marks available for each question
                  1. Underline the key component of each question
                    1. Structure your answer to ensure each component of the question has been explained
                      1. Once finished check your answers
                  2. DON'TS
                    1. Cram!!!!!!!!
                      1. Burn the midnight oil
                      2. HEALTH
                        1. Look after yourself
                          1. Eat a balanced diet
                            1. Drink plenty of water
                              1. Exercise
                                1. Get plenty of fresh air
                                  1. Rest well
                                  2. 6 P's
                                    1. Proper
                                      1. Planning
                                        1. Preparation
                                          1. Prevents
                                            1. Poor
                                              1. Performance
                                              2. ENVIRONMENT
                                                1. Comfortable
                                                  1. Quiet
                                                    1. Good light
                                                      1. Good ventilation
                                                        1. No distractions
                                                        2. DO'S
                                                          1. Start early
                                                            1. Plan revision
                                                              1. Prepare timetable / schedule
                                                                1. Revision session
                                                                  1. 30 minutes
                                                                    1. Break 5 minutes
                                                                    2. Notes / mindmaps / flash cards / past paper questions / revision sessions
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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