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Culture and Identity Mind Map
Mind Map for the Spring Semester
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spring 2013 - culture and identity mind map
spring 2013 - culture and identity mind map
graduate management admission test (gmat)
Mind Map by
Cecelia Price
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Cecelia Price
over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Culture and Identity Mind Map
Stuart Hall - Identity is a state of being and becoming
Culture is the exchange of meanings and practices between people.
In Chapter 1 Bhabha cautions the reader concerning the use of cultural theory
Theory is a ploy utilized by the West as discourse to perpetuate its power
cultural statements - constructed in ambivalence - there is no pure culture (Bhabha, 1994)
There is no pure culture, but there is much hybridity.
The American Salad Bowl on Youtube - Amie's Presentation - love it.
Who I think I am and who others think I am can be like liminality -(Beech, 2010)
The in-between-ness of who I see my self to be and how others see me (Beech (2010)
This is a definition of culture.
Stuart Hall says culture is difficult to define
Visual Culture
Stuart Hall - Race is the floating signifier.
Why do we insist on saying that we don't see color? We are made to see difference!
See YouTube Stuart Hall - Race, the Floating Signifier (Part 4/7)
We create discourse associated with the difference we see and build culture through this discourse.
Stuart Hall wrote Representation Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices and illustrates Lewis' point - what we SEE - signifies
This concept is important for new media culture
EVERYTHING we see means something - whether we realize it or not.
Mirzoeff says we don't always know what we are seeing...spooky
Is seeing believing???
Mitchell - vision is message without a code - a universal language
consider the power we give to images..or do the images have power?
read "You need to Go Upstairs" by Rumer Godden..note the power of visual culture without sight.
vision is not necessarily a learned activity..we assume much
Wolf says there is a danger is abandoning theory for the power of objects
She also is critical of critical theory - it blocks emotion
Performing Identities
Stuart Hall says that we organize differences in systems of meaning such as language
This in turn regulates conduct and brings to life how identifies are performed
Foucault would agree that we are constituted entirely from discourse constructs.
Judith Butler's Performative Acts challenged my thinking
I don't agree with her, but recognize that our environment shapes our performing identity as men and women.
Her work is associated with marginalization AND performing identities - genders perform based on cultural practices
hooks - the moving margin - loved this - we move in and out of marginality
"One can share two cultures as a part of the same soul." (Jahanbegloo,2012) - like double consciousness or doubling
.E.B. Du Bois wrote about double consciousness
Reminds me of Gilroy (Margie) and how black students become angry in school..
Doubling involves respressing the past - it didn't happen and it is not important anymore
This is Jameson's third space - forget the past. Bhabha blasts him for this in chapter 11.
Forced Hybridity
there are similarities between doubling and hybridity and third space.
But doubling seems more painful - see Fanon pg 72 (Bhabha, 1994)
Whiteness - mundane acts that continually make and remake whiteness - people don't realize they do it
Garoian - three choices - assimilate, resist assimilation, or reside on the border between two cultures
Gomez-Pena performed art without object, social space or public sphere
neither high nor low culture is more or less savvy than the other.
"The subaltern subalternizes itself and its other by gazing through the eye of teh absentee master - love it
The subaltern takes over the language of the master - "not even the master owns the language of conquest and control.."(Gomez Pena) it!
But this definition of subaltern differs slightly - implying that the subaltern knows of the subalternity..???
Warren's Article - "Doing Whiteness"
Marginalization and Orientalism
Edward Said - I never realized how desensitized I have become to some forms of racism.
Im many cases I am the "Other", but I have interacted with others as "Other".
I recognize my role in perpetuating the "Othering" of others.
The media is notorious for perpetuating othering
This link is offensive to some, but it is a humorous way to illustrate a protest to Hollywood "Othering"
It meshes Visual Culture with Marginalization and Orientalism themes: Go to Youtube Stuart Hall Representation in the Media part 1/4.
Marginality is not a schism of the can share two cultures as part of the same soul (jahanbegloo, 2012)
The quote belongs here as well - signs of hybridity and third space
Marginality is powerful enabling the marginalized to move comfortably between cultures back and forth and feeling at home in each (Jahanbegloo, 2012)
Statement belongs here as well this describes what helped to shape my identity in education.
bell hooks says that living in the margins means that you must always return to the dark side of the margin
there are two perspectives of marginality - your experience determines to which you ascribe.
Hybridity, Liminality, and Third space
Article on tech writers - they are not the "ignorant others" of grammar and punctuation
Occupy liminal space between disciplines
Liminality can be a state of genius
This Section is hybrid - so many of the other topics have concepts that fit here!
Fanon says "time lag of cultural difference will always be unresolved - a separation - social contradiction
Bhabha pg. 342.
Western modernity must always be reconstructed and is dismissive of the histories of "the other" (Bhabha, 1994)
Bhabha concludes - do not dismiss the "Other"! - recognize the history and the presence of the third space of the other
What do I belong to in this present?? With whom do I identify?
Wang seems to embrace her ability to move within and without creating third spaces
She asks if one who is with and in relationships can at the same time be against social constraints to cultivate themselves.
This is an example of third space.
Bhabha says that hybridity is a way of discovering newness in the world - I like that.
Bhabha also speaks of the sad state of Africa and its almost missing identity due to all of the colonization
Stuart Hall agrees that we move in and our of the culture of the moment - living in the borderlands.
Theories of Identity
Fanon - doubling - the third dimension - being Self and Other (Bhabha, 1994) - both positions are partial - there is a denial of self involved. p. 72
Doubling - "Look, a Negro!"
Fanon says, "triple person...i was responsible for my body, for my race, for my ancestors" (Bhabha, 1994)
This does not disappear...
I have felt this. It is so real.
the duplicity of the mIssing person pencilled in before your eyes..that watch and 76
...although these images emerge the present, as if the last word on the subject,,
..they cannot identify ...identity as presence." ..painful
missing person - subaltern
subjected to hegemony of another group - unaware of aubalternity
Disavowal of the Other incites anger and agression....YES
""For the strategy of the colonial desire is to stage the drama of identity...the black slips to reveal white skin"
Bhabha says in Location of Culture
"The question of identity is never affirmation of a pre-given identity
"never a self fulfilling prophecy
"it is always the product of an image of identity and the transformation of the subject in assuming that image. pg 64
This concept connects all over the map!!
It fits with visual culture
It fits with the definition of culture
It fits with performing identities
It fits with liminality, hybridity, double consciousness and marginality and third space
pg 72 - a problematic process to access an image of totality....what do you think you that what you want to be?
This definition fits all over the map as well.
What do you think you see - is that what you want to be - is that who are you are? Is that what others see?
The ever unfinished process of identity - Bhabha
Performing the process of identity
The performing process can create for one a third space, liminality, marginality, etc...
Critical Race Theory and Black Feminism
Black Feminist Thought can mean different things to different people. Experiences are the key.
class gender, citizenship, religion are factors in addition to race that cause inequality and oppression of black women
relationship between experiences and consciousness
relationship between experiences and ideas.
hooks says that perhaps the black man's perception of family is shaped and misunderstood by white western thought...
hooks explores the media's impact on the perception of the black man. Stuart Hall would applaud and this fits within the study of visual culture, too.
hools says black men's lack of power in white America does not negate their power over black women
Laden-Billings - critical race theory spawned from critical legal studies
both studies the power of white regime
name your reality
Black female teachers could benefit by being aware of their own possible perspectives
Principals should be aware of these possible perspectives when hiring teachers and caring for black female students
James Banks, founder
Gay - four characteristics of multicultural education
a common set of assumptions
evolved out of common concerns
common guidelines for action
make cultural pluralism and ethinic diversity part of education process
His video links multiculturalism and culturally responsive teaching very nicely.
I believe essentialism is a threat to multicultural and culturally responsive teaching
I do not believe essentialism is good for culturally responsive teaching
The "Pluralist Dilemma"
interests of one group
Interests of a nation
Culturally Responsive Teaching
Culturally responsive teaching is NOT bringing ethnic food to school! AUGH!!
Five Elements
Develop a knowledge based about cultural diversity
This is important for the new media culture.
Learning Communities
Communicating with ethnically diverse students
Responding to ethnic diversity with appropriate classroom instruction
Including ethnic ad culturally diverse curriculum
Achievement improves when students are taught through their own cultural filters
What teachers need to know...
Which ethnic groups give priority to communal living
Cultural differences in how children are expected to interact with adults
implications of gender roles socialization in different ethnic groups
genzuk offers educators assistance with Funds of Knowledge
get to know students from the perspective of their homelife.
IIrizzary says that though culture may be fluid, groups share characteristics - discrimination - educators need to know this.
At the same time to automatically attribute characteristics to a group! Learn individuals.
Stay open
Classroom teacher used "ebonics" to connect, and it worked for him, but I believe that this is not always necessary.
Afterward text says that arts integration is a powerful means of engaging students and fits perfectly within culturally rresponsive teaching!
Arts integration fits here as well.
Arts integration fits here, too.
Look up Brian Lozenski - on YouTube - bringing cultural context and self identity into education - really good clip
Go to You Tube & look up Learning World Episode 48 Part 3 - Who Am I Identity in Education
The clip links multicultural ed, transculturalism/interculturalism and culturally responsive teaching
Learning World on You Tube Episode 48 Part 3
Implications for Black female teachers and students
New Media culture
Check out "Did You Know" on Youtube...Sobering
We need to be preparing students for jobs that do not currently exist.
We need to change our teaching to keep up with media advancements
We must prepare them to filter what they see in the media
A similar concept exists in the study of visual culture
We will be on the sidelines if we do not keep up with technology
The difference between tech comfy and tech savvy - we must teach them to be tech savvy
Jenkins - three tasks to educators
Eqip students to be productive members of society
Ensure student understanding of the media presented to them
Ensure students have ethics to participate in learning communities.
Posting info online is dangerous without ethics.
must be digitally literate
The dominance of the image!!! - visual culture!
What we see really means something....
images not centrally located become marginalized
we look and draw conclusions first - then read....can be dangerous. Stuart Hall would agree.
A shift away from writing to the image
writing redefined - short hand language..with icons and pictures
important to note in visual culture, too.
Bouchard speaks of Quebec and the recognition of various cultures that is built into the fabric of their society - interculturalism
This a a dream to me - not possible in US
his assessment of US is correct - on paper we work well together, but not in reality.
no cultural minorities
The Kim article was an illustration of both transculturalism and visual culture - the public influenced by what they see
Visual Culture - a creation with the consumer's interest in mind
Stuart Hall has argued that cultural studies has always had a political agenda at its core (Lewis,
Lewis says that the study of culture and media must return to contexts in which media is formed operates and is consumed
Focuses on the problems of contemporary culture
Recognizes that power influences meaning making
Welcomes difference
All social artifacts have meaning
Vatanabadi's article proves said's observations over a decade later.
Otherness in the translation of Arabic books
interculturalism of Quebec for example seems to successfully address the Pluralist Dilemma"
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