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Increasing risks
A-Levels Geography (Crowded Coasts) Mind Map on Increasing risks, created by Jodie Goodacre on 28/04/2013.
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crowded coasts
crowded coasts
Mind Map by
Jodie Goodacre
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Jodie Goodacre
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Increasing risks
The majority of the world's population lives in low-lying coastal areas
A significant proportion of those densely populated coastal areas are exposed to the tsunamis generated by earthquakes
The impact of storm surges is expected to worsen as a result of the rise in sea levels
The rise in sea level is global. Therefore, all coastal areas may expect higher rates of coastal erosion and a higher risk of flooding
The continuing concentration of settlement and development in coastal areas will make problems even more serious
The 2004 Asian Tsunami
26th December 2004
Epicentre was off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia
Killed around 280,000 people and inundated coastal communities
$7 billion in aid was donated
Had an impact on the survivors mental health
Estimated that 50% of all survivors had problems and that 5-10% have serious mental problems requiring treatment
40% incidence of PTSD in children affected by the tsunami
Holderness on the Retreat
Northeast coast of England
Suffers fastest rate of coastal erosion in Europe
The coastline is mainly cliffs between 20 and 30m high
Soft, easily eroded glacial sands, gravels and boulder clay
Erosion at a rate of more than 1m per year
Erosion up to 10m per year
4km of land has been lost since Roman times
Suffered badly in the 1953 storm surge
Exposed, particularly to waves from the North East
Waves are destructive
Longshore drift provides nourishment for Spurn Head
Thames Estuary
Has a long history of flooding
Tide levels are steadily increasing
Tide levels are rising in the Thames estuary relative to the land by about 60cm per centuary
When a trough of low pressure moves across the Atlantic towards the British Isles, the sea beneath it rises above the normal level
This creates a 'hump' of water, which moves eastwards with the depression
The Thames Barrage was completed in 1984
Gateway reduces flood risk
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