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Competition for Coasts
A-Levels Geography (Crowded Coasts) Mind Map on Competition for Coasts, created by Jodie Goodacre on 28/04/2013.
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crowded coasts
crowded coasts
Mind Map by
Jodie Goodacre
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Jodie Goodacre
over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Competition for Coasts
The nature of coasts
Shape, Relief, Presence or lack of beach, Structure, Resistance of rocks, Sub-aerial processes, River Sediments and Coastal ecosystems.
Weather and Climate
Wind strength and direction, Rainfall and temperature, Storms and Surges
Human Activities
Intervention in natural systems, Use of land for development and Exploitation of resources
Marine ecosystems, Wave energy and direction, Size and type of waves, Local currents and Longshore drift, Tidal changes and Water Depth.
Goods and Services
Food crops
Meat and fish
Building material
Water source
Energy via biomass
Genetic resources for medicine etc.
Climate regeneration
Air purification
Water control
Flood protection
Water purification
Cycling of nutrients
Generation of humus to produce soil
Provision of habitats
Aesthetic enjoyment
Gene pool for the future
Employment opportunity
In 1990, around 30% of the world's population lived on the coast
By 2002 that figure had risen to around 40%
Some of the world's fasted growing megacities are on the coast
e.g. Lagos (Nigeria) and Shanghai (China)
Coastal development timeline
c. 1000 - Early concentration of population encouraged by food security and transport opportunities
c. 1300 - Some settlements became seats of political and economic power
c. 1600 - European colonisation of the Americas, Asia and Australia
c. 1750 - Industrialisation brings prosperity to ports handling raw materials and manufactured goods
c. 1800 - Increased security of coast encourages settlement growth
c. 1850 - Tourism takes off
c. 1970 - Exploitation of offshore oil and natural gas
c. 1980 Growth of water-based recreation
c. 2000 - Coastal areas are possible providers of wind and tidal power
Population of 67,000 but in summer peak season it exceeds half a million
Development of Benidorm as a coastal resort started in 1954
Became popular with British Tourists in the 1960s
Good night-life
All beaches have blue flag status
Population is ageing
Increase of 11% in people over 65 in the last 2 years
Built up
Boscombe, UK
On south coast near Bournemouth
Europe's first Artificial surf reef
The reef will occupy approx. 1 hectare
Made from large geotextile sand bags
Average 77 good surf days a year
Capable of hosting 10,000 surf visits a year
Cost around £1.1 million
Generate image value of £10 million per year
Thought that the reef will strengthen defences
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