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Curley & His Wife
A Levels English (Of Mice and Men) Mind Map on Curley & His Wife, created by chrishenry97 on 27/04/2013.
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of mice and men
of mice and men
a levels
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Curley & His Wife
Hated by all
Strong position on the ranch
Young fit and healthy
Married an attractive woman
Boss's son
Gets no respect
Probably lonely
Wears 'high-heeled' boots
Give him extra height as he's little
Make it clear hes 'not a laboring man'
Always worried about where his wife is
Coward as he picks on Lennie
Really Jumpy
Looks like a small boxer
Candy calls him handy
Means good fighter
Fighting is something he's good at and likes to show off this skill
Insecurity about wife and size makes him aggressive and jumpy
Picks fights with the wrong men to try and prove something
Has no real authority on the ranch
Slim - too well respected Lennie - too strong
Not one of the bunkhouse men
Craves attention and respect
Wants to be accepted
Unhappy Marriage
Wife married him as a way of getting away from her mother
Admits to Lennie 'I don't like Curley. He ain't a nice fella'
Only time Curley and his wife appear together is when she's dead
He doesn't touch her, it's Slim who checks
Curley decides to kill Lennie instead of staying with his wife
He doesn't care about her, but the fact Lennie has taken something which belongs to him
Curley's Wife
Men have lots to say
Wary because she is too flirty
If they flirt back there will be dangerous consequences
Curley will want to fight and they will lose their jobs
She doesn't leave them alone, even though the men aren't nice to her
Bursts into the bunkhouse all the time
Call her 'jailbait' and a 'rattrap'
Turns out to be true to an extent
Lennie is lured by her to his (and her) death
Isn't happy on the ranch
Only women
Men don't want to talk to her
Curley doesn't spend any time with her
Longs companionship
'Think I don't like to talk to somebody ever' once in a while?'
She pretends to be looking for Curley but is looking for attention from the men
Aware of the power she has over Crooks and Candy
Not afraid to use it
'Purty', wears a lot of make-up and is proud of her hair
Uses this to get attention
Wears a lot of red
Lips are 'rouged'
Fingernails and shoes are red
Links her to the girl in Weed with the red dress
Hint that Lennie will hurt Curley's wife too
Lennie is dazzled by her glamour and beauty
Yet another soft thing he wants to touch
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