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War Communism aka War Cannibalism
What was War Communism and what were it's impacts?
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a level history
russian history
war communism
tambov rebellion
russian history
Mind Map by
Declan Wiseman
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Declan Wiseman
over 8 years ago
Resource summary
War Communism aka War Cannibalism
June 1918
Decree on Nationalisation is where it all started
Some capitalism remains, mainly heavy industry nationalised for war effort
1: Aims
OF "A pragmatic response to civil war exigencies"
Whites- authority=defeat
Promote atheism
2: Impact on Industry
Industrialisation=no production increase
Military need priority
Industries starved
Factory deprived of workers
Total industrial output dropped by 20% pre-war
1913 1520m roubles of exports
1921 20m
1913 coal 29m tonnes produced
1921 8.9m produced
Due to scarcity of goods
Gov keeps printing notes
Money becomes worthless and is abolished
Alec Nove "siege economy with a communist ideology. A partly organised chaos"
3: Impact on agriculture
1918-21, grain requisitioning by Cheka
Even seed grain taken, so not enough crop was planted
Even less food available
Peasants produce minimum to feed selves
Kulaks blamed, 100 hanged in public by Lenin' instruction
American relief Association, food to 10m people. Oxley says 14m were kept alive
Pravda, 1 in 5 starving
5m died of starvation
Grain harvests of 1920/21 produced less than 50% gathered in 1913
Tambov Revolt
70,000 peasant army
Red Army sent in 50,000
Casualties, 240,000 according to Corin
Involving maj of population
4: Marxist features
Bukharin: War communism should be kept as permanent economic policy: "socialism in action"
Due to centralisation of industry
Due to ending of private ownership
Due to persecution, or squeezing of the peasants
"The more socialism, the less market"
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