Deutsch and Gerards - Dual Process Model


Biology, Chemistry and Psychology AQA Psychology (Unit 2 PSYA2 Biological Psychology, Social Psychology and In) Mind Map on Deutsch and Gerards - Dual Process Model, created by nikeishabk on 01/02/2014.
Mind Map by nikeishabk, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nikeishabk almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Deutsch and Gerards - Dual Process Model
  1. This mode proposes 2 reasons why people yield to conformity
    1. Normative Social Influence
      1. Based on the desire to be LIKED. People conform as they believe the group would approve and accept them.
        1. Normative Social Influence is a form of public conformity which leads to compliance.
      2. Informational Social Influence
        1. This is based on the desire to be RIGHT. People look to others they believe have the correct information on how to behave in ambiguous situations.
          1. Informational Social Influence is a form of private conformity which leads to identification or internalisation.
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