This is Me


For Soft Skills
Mind Map by chimere, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by chimere over 8 years ago

Resource summary

This is Me
  1. Adaptable
    1. Calm and Collected
      1. Level-Headed
      2. Goes with the flow
        1. Works well under stress
          1. Relatively low stress procrastination
          2. Tolerates change
            1. Open to different opinions
              1. Likes new experiences
            2. Ambivert
              1. Socialbility varies on mood
                1. Extrovert
                  1. Easily makes friends
                    1. People Skills
                      1. Doesn't mind large crowds
                      2. Introvert
                        1. Prefers not to be center of attention
                          1. Likes alone time
                            1. Detail oriented
                            2. Also varies with environment
                            3. Traits of both introverts and extroverts
                              1. Knows when to shut up
                              2. Restorative
                                1. Problem solving
                                  1. Goal oriented
                                    1. Looks in the future
                                    2. Resolving issues efficiently
                                      1. Analytical
                                        1. Likes to categorize data
                                        2. Likes finding solutions to problems
                                          1. Tries to keep the peace
                                      2. Persistent
                                        1. Doesn't give up
                                          1. Keeps going anyway, even if result appears grim
                                          2. Ambition and drive
                                            1. Determination towards a goal
                                              1. Tries to achieve, despite any potential adversities
                                                1. Doesn't mind a bit of failure
                                              2. Discreet
                                                1. Self restaint
                                                  1. Listens more than talking
                                                    1. Redirects conversations
                                                    2. Likes Staying under the radar
                                                      1. Hates giving out confidential info, unless necessary
                                                      2. Vigilant
                                                        1. Foresight about word choice
                                                          1. Aware of info gathering tactics
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