

Max Majurey
Mind Map by Max Majurey, updated more than 1 year ago
Max Majurey
Created by Max Majurey almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. balanced diet
    1. lipid


      • Long term energy store, protective padding for vital organs & insulation  found in butter and vegetable oil   
      1. protein


        • Growth and repair of tissues & many other roles such as enzymes   found in meat and fish     
        1. vitamin A


          • Makes pigment to allow you to see in the dark eating an excess will not improve sight found in carrots         deficiency in vitamin A creates a loss of the ability to see in the dark this disease is called night blindness
          1. vitamin C


            • Sticks cells that line surfaces e.g. gums together found in citrus fruits deficiency in Vitamin C means the cells that line surfaces of your body (such as the gums) won't stick together as well causing diseases like scurvy   
            1. Vitamin D


              • Allows body to absorb calcium Made by the skin in sunlight deficiency in vitamin D means your bones will soften due to lack of calcium this disease is called rickets 
              1. iron


                • A necessary part of the chemical in blood called Haemoglobin which allows the blood to carry oxygen  found in red meat and spinach     
                1. calcium


                  • strengthens bones found in milk
                  1. water


                    • Major component in blood and cells   
                    1. Carbohydrate


                      • Energy store & source for respiration, found in Bread, pasta, potatoes, and any sugars(they have carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in them)
                      1. dietry fibre


                        • mussels in intestines,push against fibre to push food through found in Fruit and vegetables   
                      2. energy
                        1. test for amount


                          • burn a piece of food under a test tube with 10cm cubed of water in it recording the temp before and after it has burnt with a thermometer and therefore work out the temp change. to work out the energy in the food multiply the temp change by the weight of water (1 g/ 1 cm cubed) then multiply by 4.2 ( the joules of energy needed to raise the temp of 1 g of water by 1 degree c) therefore in this case if the temp change is 10 degrees c the the energy is 10 x 10 x 4.2= 420 joules. to work out joules/ gram of food (used to compare energy in more than one food) simply divide by the weight of the food
                          1. measured in


                            • joules-what you should use calories-what packages use normally
                            1. different needs for different people...


                              • what influences how much energy you need? age size  gender job pregnant or not breast feeding where you live (hot cold high low)
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