High and low risk foods


- information about high and low risk foods
Bob Read
Slide Set by Bob Read, updated more than 1 year ago
Bob Read
Created by Bob Read about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    High risk foods
    High risk foods are foods in which bacteria grow easily.  They are usually high in protein and are often 'ready -to-eat'. As they will not be cooked, any bacteria will not be killed before eating.  High risk foods include –  cooked meats stews and gravy  seafoods  pre-packed sandwiches meat and fish spreads                      cooked rice dairy products                   dishes made with raw eggs Care must be taken to ensure that they are not contaminated during preparation, and are stored correctly prior to service (below 5°C or above 63°C).
    Caption: : Some common high risk foods

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    Low risk foods
    Low-risk foods do not normally cause food poisoning as they do not provide bacteria with the nutrients they require for growth and multiplication. The kind of foods that fall into this category include – dried and pickled food food with a high sugar content food with a high salt content chemically preserved food Because they are low risk foods they can often be safely stored in a food cupboard rather than a fridge.
    Caption: : Low risk foods can often be stored in a cupboard rather than a fridge.

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    Food preservation methods 1
    There are several ways in which food can be preserved.  All the methods aim to prevent bacterial growth but they do it in different ways.CanningWhen food is put into tins,  it is heated and sealed so that bacteria cannot enter.Chilled foodsWhen food is chilled, the temperature is kept so low that bacteria cannot grow.  Chilled food should be kept at 1-4 degrees CFreezingWhen foods are frozen, bacteria are killed. Frozen foods should be kept at - 18 degrees C 

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    Food preservation methods 2
    DryingWhen you dry foods like pasta, fruit or soup, you  remove the water that bacteria need to grow.Vacuum packsWhen foods like cheese are vacuum packed, the oxygen is removed so that bacteria cannot grow.PicklingWhen foods like onions are pickled,  it is the acid in the vinegar that stops the bacteria from growing.Smoking and saltingWhen kippers are smoked, they are dried and so the water that bacteria need is removed.  The salt also stops the bacteria from growing.
    Caption: : Different types of pasta

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    Using colour coded chopping boards
    When preparing raw food you can reduce the risk of cross contamination by using colour coded chopping boards correctly. red  - raw meatgreen - salad and fruitblue - fishwhite - bakery and dairybrown - raw vegetablesyellow - cooked meatUse a different chopping board when you start to prepare a different type of food. For example, if you are preparing raw meat, you must not then start to cut up cake or fruit on the same board as bacteria could easily be transferred from one food to the other.

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