Group dynamics


2nd Year Workplace Communication (Group Dynamics) Mind Map on Group dynamics, created by Jade Jannotti on 15/01/2014.
Jade Jannotti
Mind Map by Jade Jannotti, updated more than 1 year ago
Jade Jannotti
Created by Jade Jannotti almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Group dynamics
  1. Typologies (Schein 1980)
    1. Primary
      1. close, personal relationship
      2. Secondary
        1. occur within organisation
        2. Informal
          1. social groups
          2. Formal
            1. formed by organisation to serve function
            2. hierarchical - leader
              1. breakthrough - work together
                1. synchronised
                  1. open - opportunity to communicate
                    1. Task interaction = work together towards outcome
                      1. Relationship = interpersonal interaction
                      2. Theories
                        1. Social Exchange Theory (Homans 1961)
                          1. people conform is want to remain in group
                            1. people engage with activity and get rewarded
                            2. Cognitive Dissonance Theory (Festinger 1957)
                              1. psychological forces impact our behaviour
                                1. conform to reduce dissonance
                              2. Social Identity Theory (Tajifel & Turner 1979)
                                1. people categorise themselves according to group they belong to
                                  1. group influences our behaviour
                                  2. highlights minorities
                                2. Group Formation
                                  1. Tuckman & Jensen (1977)
                                    1. FORMING - people come together, tension, recognise goals
                                      1. STORMING - friendships formed, greater cohesion
                                        1. NORMING - clear goals, group bonded
                                          1. PERFORMING - committed to task, conflicts handled constructively
                                            1. ADJOURNING - group breaks up, task complete
                                              1. linear model - not always followed
                                              2. Tubbs (1995)
                                                1. ORIENTATION - group gets together, opportunities & limitations discussed
                                                  1. CONFLICT - necessary for group's development, evaluate ideas and avoid groupthink, conformity
                                                    1. CONSENSUS - group members agree to alternatives
                                                      1. CLOSURE - agree on final decision
                                                    2. Norms
                                                      1. "acceptable standards of behaviour shared by group members" (Robbins 2005)
                                                        1. PREDICTABILITY - obey rules
                                                          1. TRUSTWORTHINESS
                                                            1. CONFORMITY - encourage obedience
                                                              1. reflect organisational structure
                                                              2. Roles
                                                                1. set of behaviours: act in certain way in certain context (Hare 1994)
                                                                  1. Task Focus - towards goal
                                                                    1. Emotional - support
                                                                      1. group socialisation
                                                                        1. members learn values & expected behaviour
                                                                          1. need to conform
                                                                        2. Factors causing tension (Bales 1950)
                                                                          1. Conflict reduced by feedback, job descriptions, role of leder in role selection
                                                                            1. greater access to resources
                                                                              1. more control by other person
                                                                                1. higher expertise
                                                                                  1. social role
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