3.3.1: The function of Operating Systems


Part of a master mind map for OCR A2 Computing.
Adam Cook
Mind Map by Adam Cook, updated more than 1 year ago
Adam Cook
Created by Adam Cook almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

3.3.1: The function of Operating Systems
  1. Main Features
    1. Provides and manages hardware resources
      1. Provides an interface between user and the machine
        1. Originally each program would have to separately deal with input and output from / to the computer.
          1. The OS was created to deal with this issue. The OS would contain useful code that most programs would frequently use (such as dealing with input and output) in order to make the programming process more efficient.
            1. These pieces of pre-written code to deal with input and output led to the input-output control system (IOCS). At first the IOCS only needed to read from a punched card and punch holes in a card to output data but as input and output media became more complex so did the IOCS.
            2. Provides an interface between software and the machine
              1. When computers were first invented they were programmed through binary code. When low-level programming languages (such as assembly) and high level programming languages (such as Visual Basic) were invented, systems had to be created so that the computer could understand them.
              2. Provides security for system's data
                1. Provides system maintenance software
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