Important need to know facts


Facts from early on in the course
ben hambidge
Mind Map by ben hambidge, updated more than 1 year ago
ben hambidge
Created by ben hambidge over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Important need to know facts
  1. Partition of Bengal
    1. Caused by;
      1. Famine
        1. Blue Mutiny of indigo
          1. The economy relied on the monsoons which failed to occur
            1. Twice as large as Britain's province
            2. Reaction
              1. Muslims were delighted
                1. Hindus were outraged
                  1. Caused violence
                    1. Terrorism
                      1. There were attempts to bomb a local judge-2 European women were killed
                        1. Shooting of an official from the India office in London(1909)
                        2. Protests
                          1. Marches
                            1. Swadesh of British goods
                              1. Hartal
                              2. There were letters of complaint to;
                                1. The government
                                  1. The congress
                                    1. The newspapers
                              3. Congress split in 1907
                                1. Congress was held in calcutta in 1906
                                  1. Gokhale (moderate) wanted to work along side Britain
                                    1. Gokhale wanted Indian produce to be the number one choice in India rather than boycotting British goods
                                    2. Tilak (extremist) wanted indepencance
                                      1. The 1909 congress was scheduled for Naypur but was changed at the last minute
                                        1. Tried to make congress support radical demands
                                          1. Moderates wanted it to be the final word
                                            1. Tilak asked to speak and was ignored, he interrupted the presidents speech
                                            2. A shoe was thrown, an extremists shoe, which led to a full scale brawl which needed police intervention
                                              1. Extremists were convicted of terrorism and were deported to Bengal
                                                1. Moderates are in power until the middle of WW2
                                                2. The Indian Councils Act 1909/Morley-Minto Reforms
                                                  1. John Morley-Viceroy in India (Lord Minto)
                                                    1. Reform would not lead to an Indian Parliament or Self-government in the foreseeable future
                                                      1. Reforms provide a voice for normal Indian citizens (135 seats in legislative councils)
                                                        1. Gives specific seats to minority groups
                                                        2. Congress publicly supported reforms then they protested Muslims and initially complined
                                                          1. Then they approved mainly because they had designated seats
                                                        3. The Montagu Declaration
                                                          1. It declares that India will get "Gradual development of self-government"
                                                            1. Indians believe that they will have a self-governing nation
                                                              1. British believe that they may never even get it
                                                            2. Why were the British so concerned by the end of WW1
                                                              1. Russia
                                                                1. Communist revolution
                                                                  1. May appeal to Indians
                                                                  2. Vulnerable boarders between Russia and India
                                                                  3. Home Rule leagues gaining mass support nation wide
                                                                    1. Lucknow Pact
                                                                      1. Divide and rule no longer
                                                                        1. Muslims and Hindus can work together
                                                                          1. Agreement made between congress and the Muslim league
                                                                            1. They will work together to push for nationalist reform
                                                                          2. Ghadr mutiny
                                                                            1. Punjab mutiny
                                                                            2. WW1
                                                                              1. Spanish flu pandemic
                                                                                1. Kills more than WW1
                                                                                  1. Creates chaos
                                                                                    1. makes rebellion more likely
                                                                                  2. Change in status of Britain
                                                                                    1. No longer the super-power they had been
                                                                                      1. War took 4 years not the predicted 6 months
                                                                                        1. They had to rely on help from U.S to win the war
                                                                                      2. The Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms/The 1919 Government Of India Act
                                                                                        1. Montagu
                                                                                          1. Sees the British rule as bad
                                                                                          2. Chelmsford
                                                                                            1. Viceroy at the time
                                                                                            2. Effects of Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms
                                                                                              1. Reforms were rejected by congress
                                                                                                1. Created problems in British parliament
                                                                                                  1. Many people (British and Indian) hated seperate electorates
                                                                                                    1. Resulted to violence in the Punjab
                                                                                                      1. However
                                                                                                        1. Was welcomed by many as a step towards an independent government
                                                                                                          1. For the first time Indian politicians were given minsteral power
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