1. Germinal stage = first 2 weeks -
conception results in zygote,
implantation, formation of placenta
2. Embryonic stage = 2 weeks – 2
months - formation of vital organs
and systems, vulnerable to
environmental influences, 1 inch
3. Fetal stage = 2 months – birth
– bodily growth continues,
movement capability begins due
to formation of bones and
muscles, sex organs develop in
the third month, brain cells
multiply, fat layer – age of
viability – 22-26 weeks
Environmental Factors and
Prenatal Development
1. Maternal drug use – Most drugs pass
through the placenta to baby
– Tobacco, alcohol, prescription, and
recreational drugs – Prenatal cocaine
exposure – more birth complications,
cognitive deficits – Marijuana –
overactivity, poor ability to solve
problems. – Fetal alcohol syndrome
(FAS), a serious form of fetal alcohol
spectrum disorder (FASD ) may result in
small head, small stature, cognitive
deficits, and facial deformities. These
children may also have heart defects,
irritability and hyperactivity.
2. Maternal illness – Placenta screens out
many infections but some can affect the
fetus – Rubella, syphilis, mumps, genital
herpes, AIDS, severe influenza – Genital
herpes can be transmitted to the baby
during birth – may result in small head,
paralysis, deafness , blindness, and can be
3. Maternal Nutrition and Emotions – Pregnant
women need a balanced diet so the baby is supplied
with all nutrients especially folic acid. If the mother
is depressed or anxious during pregnancy it can lead
to behavior problems for the child later on.
4. Fetal Origins of Disease – Malnutrition during
pregnancy is vulnerability to schizophrenia in
young adulthood – Low birth weight correlates
with heart disease decades later – Mom’s
nutrition affects baby during breastfeeding
which is recommended for 6 months
The Childhood Years: Motor Development
Motor development –progression of
muscular coordination for physical
activities e.g. reaching, grasping,
crawling, walking • Cephalocaudal trend –
head develops first and then moves
toward feet. Proximodistal trend –
centre-outward development. Infants
triple their weight in the first year and
increase their height by 45%. Maturation
– gradual unfolding of genetic blueprint --
physical development It likely results
from desire to explore their environment
and remembering what they learned
Easy & Difficult babies
Longitudinal designs– same child or
group is studied repeatedly over time
– Most sensitive to developmental
influences but are more expensive and
take longer.
Cross-sectional design – participants of
different ages are studied at the same time.
Thomas and Chess – longitudinal study
Temperament formed by age 3 months and still same at age
10. Later research states temperament at age 1-2 years is
stable as the child grows up
3 basic temperamental styles 1.easy – 40% - happy,
develop routines, adapt easily to change
2.slow-to-warm-up – 15% - less happy, decreased
routines, slower adapting to change and more wary.
Moderately reactive emotionally. 3.difficult – 10% -
gloomy, eat and sleep at various times, dislike change,
irritable babies. Have more emotional problems as
they grow up. 4.mixture of temperaments – 35%
Attachment – emotional bonds between parent
and child • Separation anxiety - occurs around 6-8
months when babies are distress when
separated from those they are most familiar with
Strange Patterns
Strange situation was a type of research where the
mother left the room and baby with stranger
–Secure: occurs if mother is responsive to baby’s
needs – modest correlation. Baby can influence
mom too. Upset when mom left and easily
comforted when she returned. –Anxious-ambivalent:
child is anxious and clingy even when mother is
present. Distressed when she leaves and not easily
comforted when she returns –Avoidant: child seeks
little contact with mother when present and
unconcerned when she leaves and returns. May
actively ignore mom when she returns
–Disorganized/disoriented: confused about whether
they should avoid or approach mother. Most
insecure and are often neglected children.
Studies show there are different
proportions of these attachment styles
in different cultures though secure
attachment is most prominent in all
Stage theories - development occurs in order
of stage which corresponds to age. Each stage
builds on the last and the next stage is
discontinuous with the previous stage.
Erik Erikson (1963) – Psychosocial Theory
• studied emotional and social development of
infants through elderly • Psychosocial crises
determining balance between opposing
polarities in personality
Cognitive Development- Jean Piaget
Cognitive Development refers to
the transitions in thinking
Assimilation: Fitting experiences into mental
structures. Accommodation: Changing mental
structures to accommodate new experiences.
4 stages
1. Sensorimotor Period - Age 0-2 - Child
use senses (vision, hearing, etc.) and
motor/movement stills to explore
and learn about the environment
2. Preoperational Period - Age 2-7 - Children at this age
cannot complete conservation tasks.
3. Concrete Operational - Age 7 - 11 -
Conservation - Understand that physical
quantities remain constant in spite of the
shape of their appearance.
4. Formal Operational - Age 11-12 and up. • Can think
abstractly , as well as concretely
Piaget underestimated the age
when children can develop
certain of the above skills. He did
not talk about individual
differences or mixing of stages.
Lev Vygotsky: Sociocultural Theory
•Piaget viewed the child as the agent of change due to
actively exploring his/her environment •Vygotsky
believed the social interaction from adults, older
children and one’s culture influences cognitive
Kohlberg: The Development of
Moral Reasoning
1. Preconventional - Punishments and rewards.
Self-centered 2. Conventional - Right and wrong is
determined by a) getting the approval of others and b)
by laws and society’s rules which they believe should be
obeyed rigidly 3. Postconventional - a) Right and wrong
is decided by societies rules but can be adjusted and by
individual principles of conscience b) also abstract
ethical principles.
Personality Development •Development doesn’t
stop with adolescence but continues throughout
life. • Certain traits of adult’s personality remain
stable over decades and other’s change
Erikson’s View
Early adulthood: Intimacy versus
isolation. Middle adulthood: generativity
versus self-absorption. Late adulthood:
Integrity versus despair.