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Module C4: Chemical Patterns
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Module C4: Chemical Patterns
The Nucleus
Protons and Neutrons
Protons = heavy and positively charged.
Elements have different numbers. All Atoms of same element have same number
Neutrons = heavy and no charge
Positively Charged
Tiny, almost whole mass
The Electrons
move around nucleus
negetively charged
No mass
Arranged in Shells
if added or removed atom becomes an ion (charged)
Number of Protons = Number of Electrons
Same sized charge but opposite
Chemical Equations
Same atoms at start and end of reaction just rearranged
Must be same amount of atoms on both sides of equation
Physical States
(s) = solid
(l) = liquid
(g) gas
(aq) = dissolved in water
Line Spectrums
Some Elements produce flames with distinctive colours
Li = red flame
Na = yellow/ orange flame
K = lilac flame
different colours in fireworks
help chemists to idendity metal in compound. Burn substance, see colours produced.
Each Element gives a characteristic Line Spectrum
If heated electrons in an atom release energy as light
Wavelengths recorded as a line spectrum
Different Elements = different wavelengths
because of different electron arrangement
Different pattern of wavelengths
spectrums used to identify elements
scientist have discovered new elements using this eg, caesium and rubidium.
History of the Periodic Table
1800s only measure relative atomic mass, elements aranged in order of this only.
Order elements into triads (groups)
based on chemical properties
Ordered atoms by relative atomic mass, every eigth had similar properties
Newlands octives
Broke down on 3rd row, he left no gaps, work was ignored.
Groups contained elements that didn't have similar properties. Mixed up metals and Non-metals. No Gaps.
1869 arrange 50 known elements, left gaps, predicted unfound
keep elements with similar properties in the same vertical groups
When the element he left gaps for were discovered people believed his theory more.
order of atomic mass
The Modern Periodic Table
Puts elements with similar properties together.
in order of increasing proton number
Metals left, none metals right (steps)
columns = similar properties
groups = vertical column
group number tells you how many electrons are on the outer shell
if you know properties of one element in the group you can predict the properties of other elements
group 1:more reactive as you go down. group 7: less reactive as you go down
Electron Shells
electrons occupy shells.
lowest energy levels filled first
1st Shell: 2 2nd Shell: 8 3rd Shell:8
most outer shells not full
makes atom want to react
electronic arrangement determines properties
Working out Electron Configurations
look at the number of protons an atom has.
it has the same number of electrons
follow shell rules to fill up the shells for the element
Ionic Bonding
Ions are made when atoms lose or gain electrons
can be made from single atoms or groups of atoms.
they lose/ gain to try and get a full outer shell
Group 1 have 1 electron in outer shell.
want to get rid of that one to have full shells.
when they lose an electron they form positive ions
group 7 have outer shells almost full
Want to fill them (get 1 extra electron)
when they gain an electron they form negitive ions
Ionic compounds form a regular lattice.
solid ionic compounds are made of a giant lattice of ions. each lattice forms a single crystal.
When they dissolve in water they can conduct electricity because ions can move.
Group 1; The Alkali metals
1 outer shell electron
Very reactive
More violent the reation with water, the more reactive they are.
all similar properties
When they react they form similar compounds
shiny when freshly cut
react with oxygen in moist air
Down the group
more reactive
lower melting point
lower boiling point
Produce Hydrogen when reacted with water
fizz, some ignite
reaction makes an alkaline solution
a hoydroxide of the metal forms
Reaction with Chlorine makes salts.
reacts vigorously, creates colourless crystalline salts.
Group 7: Halogens
7 outer electrons
very reactive, create similar compounds, have similar properties
form diatomic molecules (always in pairs)
as you go down the group
less reactive
higher melting point
higher boiling point
non-metals with coloured vapours
Fl, very reactive poisonous yellow gas @ room temp.
Cl, fairly reactive, dense green gas @room temp.
Bromine, dense orange volatile liquid @room temperature and forms an orange gas
Iodine, dark grey crystaline solid @room temp. or a purple vapour
React with alkali metals to form salts
They react with iron to form coloured solids called iron halides.
Displacement reactions, more reactive element pushes a less reactive element out.
Laboratory Safety
Hazard Symbols
Provides oxygen makes other materials burn more fiercely.
Can explode.
Highly Flammible
Catches fire easily
attacks and destroys living tissues inc. eyes and skin
Can cause death either by swallowing, breathing in, or absorption through the skin.
Media attachments
spectroscopy_large (image/jpg)
Potassium-Atom.gif (image/gif)
oxidising.gif (image/gif)
SY01A (image/jpg)
SY03A (image/jpg)
corrosive-sign-symbol (image/jpg)
toxic-l.gif (image/gif)
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