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Treatments Of Schizophrenia
AQA (B) Psychology Unit 3 Covers: Conventional and Atypical anti-psychotics Community Care Psychoanalytic Therapy Insight Therapy Family Therapy
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Resource summary
Treatments Of Schizophrenia
Biological Treatments
Conventional Anti-Psychotics
also known as neuroleptics
work by blocking dopamine receptors
cause lots of unwanted side effects
only treats positive symptoms
drugs have to be taken continuously
can be very expensive
Atypical Anti-Psychotics
treats both positive and negative syptoms
work less on reducing dopamine and focus on altering levels of serotonin in the brain
effective in people who were not responsive to conventional drugs
have to be taken continuously
Evaluative points
atypical drugs are better as they treat both positive and negative symptoms
have to be taken constantly or there is a chance of relapse
both types of drugs have lots of side effects
conventional: muscle tremors, restlessness and jerky movement
atypical: weight gain, nausea and irregular heartbeat
drugs help to give the individual their lives back
does not treat the cause of schizophrenia only the symptom
Cole et al (1964) compared drug treatment with a control group
drug group showed significant improvement ,75%, to control, 25%.
Social treatments
Community Care
an alternative to institutional care
quality of life can be improved at no extra cost
can be argued that services are patchy
murder of Jonathan Zito
hospitals can be seen as places that can aggravate some symptoms
stigmatise those with mental illnesses
helps people to gain skills that they need to be able to function normally
Stein and Test (1980) compared the effectiveness of community care compared to hospitalisation
found that unsupported patients discharged has higher relapse rate (58 out of 65) compared to community care (12 out of 65)
the price of setting up and maintaining community care is very high
it puts a lot of responsibility back onto the families of the patient.
Cognitive and Behavioural
Psychoanalytic Therapy
has little value
requires the person to have insight into their condition
individuals cannot think and talk rationally
in patients that have partially recovered this therapy may cause the return of syptoms
ego may not be able to deal with talking about the condition
ego being overwhelmed by the demands of the id and superego
Insight Therapy
based on the idea that people can be help to gain understanding of their symptoms
one to one thearpy
patient has to feel safe and trust the therapist
cognitive therapy attempts to change negative attitudes
challenge their delusions rather than hide them
Family Therapy
changing the communication patterns within families of schizophrenics
especially those with high EE
get family members to be more tolerant and less critical
improve positive communication
help family members feel less guilt and less responsibility for causing the illness
chance of relapse if stopped
evaluative points
Hogarty et al (1986) compared family therapy to other treatments and relapse rates after 1 year
medication - 40%
medication and SST or family therapy - 20%
medication, SST and FT - 0%
therapy tends to work best when combined with other treatments
talking about the condition may cause relapse
FT has been found to be very effective in reducing relapse
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