Installation of ICT Systems


A-Level ICT Mind Map on Installation of ICT Systems, created by indysingh7285 on 03/02/2016.
Mind Map by indysingh7285, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by indysingh7285 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Installation of ICT Systems
    1. Direct
      1. Where the firm stop using the old system and move to the new system straight away
        1. If the new system fails there is huge risk
          1. Large loss of data
            1. No old system to fall back on
            2. Requires fewer resources
            3. Parallel
              1. Minimises the risk of installing a new ICT system
                1. The old system is ran alongside the new system
                  1. Until all people involved are happy with the new system working correctly
                  2. Expensive
                    1. twice the work being done
                  3. Phased
                    1. New system is installed unit by unit
                      1. Allows any problems with the unit installed to be sorted before the next unit is installed
                        1. Only suitable for systems which have various units
                        2. Pilot
                          1. Ideal for large organisation that have various locations
                            1. Suitable where the new system can be used by one branch then transferred to another
                              1. Implementation is on a smaller and manageable scale
                                1. Takes longer to implement the system at all branches
                              2. HARDWARE INSTALLATION & TESTING
                                1. Wiring networks
                                  1. Testing hardware
                                  2. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION AND TESTING
                                    1. Installing software on servers
                                      1. Configuring systems
                                        1. Adding data
                                          1. Testing functionality
                                          2. DOCUMENTATION
                                            1. User documentation
                                              1. Technical documentation
                                              2. RESOURCES
                                                1. Installation teams
                                                  1. Training
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