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Biotic/Abiotic Factors
Biology (Biosphere) Mind Map on Biotic/Abiotic Factors, created by olivia.paddock on 09/04/2013.
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Biotic/Abiotic Factors
Abiotic Factors
Non-living parts of an ecosystem which are important in determining the type of organisms found in habitats.
Examples of Abiotic Factors
Use a thermometer to find this out.
pH soil
Use a pH meter to find this out.
Light Intensity
Use a light meter to find this out.
Instructions on how to use a light meter.
1. Push the switch onto the light position.
2. Place the light meter on the surface of the ground so that the light sensor is pointing towards the brightest light source.
3. Make sure that you shadow isn't covering the light meter.
4. Examine the meter readings while the meter is in this position. Use the bottom scale (A-H).
Precautions you must take when using a light meter.
Take recordings at the same time of the day.
Make sure that the light meter is not under a tree or in the shadow of a building.
Take more than one reading.
Moisture Levels
Use a moisture meter to find this out.
Instructions on how to use a moisture meter.
1. Push the switch onto the moisture position.
2. Carefully place the probe vertically into the soil so it is about 4cm deep.
3. If you hit a stone, take out the probe and put it in a slightly different position.
4. Examine the readings whilst the probe is in the soil. Use the top scale (1-8)
Precautions you must take when using a moisture meter.
Don't force the probe into the ground if it is really dry. Use a tent peg to create a hole if this happens.
Make sure that the probe is in the ground at the correct depth.
Keep the probe in the ground when reading the scale.
Take more than one reading.
Biotic Factors
Living parts of an organism which are important in determining the type of organisms found in habitats.
Examples of Biotic Factors
Marks off a small piece on the ground so that different plants in the sample can be identified and counted.
A quadrat can also measure abundance.
The quadrat must be dropped randomly.
Pitfall Trap
Instructions on how to use
1. Dig a hole in the ground deep enough to hold an empty yoghurt carton.
2. Place an empty carton into the hole, making sure that the top of the carton is level with the ground.
3. Leave until the next day to look at it.
Small animals living on the ground surface can be sampled using a pitfall trap.
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