Chemistry C1b- Cracking Crude Oil


Mind Map on Chemistry C1b- Cracking Crude Oil, created by ellie.adams1 on 27/11/2013.
Mind Map by ellie.adams1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ellie.adams1 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Chemistry C1b- Cracking Crude Oil
  1. Cracking means splitting up long-chain hydrocarbons by passing vapour over a hot catalyst.
    1. ~Firstly you heat the long-chain hydrocarbons to vaporise it. ~Then the vapour is passed over a powdered catalyst at a temperature of about 400-700 degrees Celsius. ~Aluminium Oxide is the catalyst used. ~ The long-chain molecules split apart on the surface of the specks of catalyst.
    2. Long-chain hydrocarbons form thick gloopy liquids which aren't useful, so a lot of the longer molecules produced from fractional distillation are turned into smaller ones by the process of cracking.
      1. Some of the products of cracking are useful as fuels: such as petrol and paraffin. Cracking produces substances like ethane too, which are needed for making plastics.
        1. Cracking is a thermal decomposition reaction - breaking down molecules by heating them.
          1. Most of the products of cracking are alkanes and unsaturated hydrocarbons called alkenes.

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