High Levels of Funds for Family Units in agriculture in Lao


This is the objectives tree branches portion of the Lao Youth project
Mind Map by mec590, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mec590 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

High Levels of Funds for Family Units in rural agriculture in Lao
  1. Adequate amount of Teachers in villages
    1. High levels of attendance in schools with enough teachers
    2. Increased levels of continuing education students, able to pay
      1. Cleaner and more hygenic living conditions
        1. Lower levels of disease related to unclean living conditions
        2. Ability to buy adequate amounts of rice
          1. Low levels of Hunger
            1. Higher productivity
          2. Increased Levels of investment in land management/ soil health
            1. Better land conditions
            2. Higher levels of mosquito net ownership
              1. Low levels of diseases connected to mosquitos
              2. Increased ability to access electricity
                1. Increased abilities to buy animals to raise
                  1. Increased access to clean water
                    1. Lower levels of water born illnesses
                      1. Lower levels of debt related to health care costs
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