
Intermediate sanctions in Massachusetts
Thomas Fuller
Mind Map by Thomas Fuller, updated more than 1 year ago
Thomas Fuller
Created by Thomas Fuller over 1 year ago

Resource summary

    1. Intensive Supervision with Treatment (ITS)
      1. Alternative intensive program for high-risk offenders that provides a combination of services such as education and employment counseling with accountability measures such as drug and alcohol screening, electronic monitoring, and day reporting with a goal of reducing recidivism.
      2. Electronic Monitoring Program
        1. ELMO Program where, as an alternative to jail, probationers are monitored by GPS devices in order to provide structure, control, and accountability.
        2. Community Service
          1. As an alternative to incarceration or paying court costs, the offender is ordered to perform work that benefits the community under the supervision of probation.
          2. Probation
            1. The offender is subject to court-ordered supervision in lieu of jail and the terms of the supervision are tailored toward the requirements set by the court or the offender's needs. Conditions of probation could include Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment, education Programs, employment programs.
            1. Shakespeare & the Courts
              1. A 6-week session where juveniles currently on probation or court supervision complete an intensive acting/commnication program.
              2. MA Youth Reentry Project
                1. Reentry program for high-risk youths that uses mentoring, education, character development, and gang intervention to reduce recidivism, strengthen relationships the youth family and community, and improve quality of life.
              3. SANCTIONS FOR WOMEN
                1. Woman/Womanhood Program
                  1. Multi-week program for female probationers where they attend classes on domestic, women's health, substance, abuse and job readiness skills with a goal of helping them to achieve healthy lives.
                  2. Residential Reentry Program
                    1. New Beginnings Re-Entry services provides therapy, drug/alcohol counseling and education services to women reentering the community with a goal of reducing recidivism.
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